Online and mobile gaming has changed considerably over the last few years and as these changes are ongoing it has been clear to see that one of the main such changes has been cloud based gaming. This article looks at what cloud-based gaming is and how it has begun to positively affect the way you access and play the various online games that you enjoy.

How does it work

Just as you use streaming services to watch movies and series and do all this online, you can do the same thing to game. Instead of running the game on your hardware the game provider runs the game on their own servers that have high end specs and then simply have to connect to your device to allow you to control and play the game. The experience is just as you would have had playing the game on your own device, as long as you have a seamless and strong internet connection.

It is different from simply being able to access a game-specific server to game or play this game. Cloud gaming providers will allow you to access a range of games via a subscription and generally will have access to games from a range of other developers.

It’s all about cloud-based computing and gaming

Sometimes called on demand or GAAS gaming as a service is now possible in the cloud and in fact the future of gaming has been said to be in the cloud and not from your own machine. In the past you would have needed sufficient amounts of RAM to play graphics-intensive games online. Now you can play the most graphic intensive games from those at casinoroar casino to the favorite adventure and fantasy or MOBA games that people all enjoy without any glitching or usability issues.

The benefits of cloud gaming:-

  • You no longer need to download the games you want to play. AAA games titles can take up a couple of hundred gigabytes of storage space and memory and as such there will be little else that you will do on your machine while this is occurring. The fact that you can now play in the cloud using someone else’s memory and speed, will allow your own laptop or phone to be able to continue to run and function while you game.
  • There is no need for expensive hardware to be able to play games online against others. You can now generally play the latest games on some of the older devices, as long as they are able to access the internet and have a decent graphics card.
  • You can now play anywhere. Cloud gaming is very much about playing at anytime from anywhere.

Cloud gaming is a means of equalizing the gaming field. No longer is it only those who can afford the high-end software and hardware that will be able to play the best games. As long as you know how to stream and access the games you like from the cloud gaming service providers out there then you will save some money and be playing the very games that you want.