Prong Collars! Hearing these two words, your heart must be screaming and protesting, “PRONG COLLARS SHOULD BE BANNED RIGHT AWAY!” 

Well, hold on for a moment and let me explain. “Prong Collar” or “Pinch Collar” has a horrifying outlook on many pup owners. But, you heard the term, never judge a book by its cover, right?

This is something similar that truly goes with Prong Collars for Dogs. In your early dog training days, you must use a Prong Collar. Why use a Prong Collar on a dog?

You’ll get a detailed explanation if you stick around to the end of this article.

Let’s Clear The Myths And Doubts

Prong Collars already have got many defamed and made-up myths that everybody tends to hate on them. Let me clear the myths first.

  • Prong Collars don’t choke your dog.
  • The alternate name “Pinch Collar” doesn’t mean it’s gonna pinch the dog
  • Thinking about the sharp-looking edges of the chain component? That’s not the deal as well
  • The pulling pressure of the collar isn’t too hard as you thought
  • It works as a great self-correcting tool for dogs, not a negative tool at  all

Now that you got this in mind let’s get into the details. 

Prong Collars are specially designed in a shape that can grab and create pressure all over your dog’s neck. So, when the pulling pressure spreads all around the neck, it doesn’t hurt the dog, let alone choke.

In any flat collar, there is a possibility of choking the pup. When your dog is on a leash and using a flat collar, you must be careful about the pressure. 

Right away, the dog pulls the collar, and you’re pulling back to maintain them; it creates all the pressure on the dog’s trachea. It can hurt your dog a lot and permanently damage the dog’s trachea.

However, there is no such thing in terms of a Prong Collar as the pressure is evenly spread around the dog’s neck.

Some people call Prong Collars “Pinch Collar.” It is quite a misleading name because many of you think it’s going to pinch your dog and hurt your buddy. It’s a myth for sure.

The name “Pinch Collar” applies; you need to pinch the section of the chain to detach the linking when needed. So, you see, the term pinch is for the chain itself, not for the dog.

Now, you must be saying, “Ok, I got it all. But what do you have to say about the dangerous, sharp-looking edges of the collar sections?”

I have to say, they’re not sharp at all and not dangerous indeed. Can you recall how you saw a mother dog grabbing her son by the neck with her mouth to educate the little one on what not to do? 

Yes, the same thing goes with a Prong Collar. The collar sections might look sharp, but they aren’t at all. It creates a very minimal pressure that has nothing to do with hurting your dog by any means. You can try it even on yourself and run a pull test to justify it; it is that safe.

The correction formula used in a Prong Collar is the pulling pressure. You must be thinking that an adamant dog would pull no matter how much hurt he gets. So, a Prong Collar can eventually hurt the dog.

Well, you’re partially correct in this case. Undoubtedly a dog is going to pull to the end if any circumstances show up, and it’s not going to stop. But manufacturers make these collars specialized for dogs, right?

They keep the situation in mind while making them. These collars are designed not to put too much pressure on one place. The pressure is even, and you get a limit with the chain to resist excessive pressure. 

There are maximum tools for teaching your dog something new or teaching to perform an action in dog training. But, there are times when you need to teach your furry little friend what not to do. 

Prong Collars play a great role in this place. When your dog is on the collar and going in a direction or doing anything it shouldn’t, you pull it, and the pressure makes him understand that what he is doing is forbidden.

You don’t have to put commands as well. Thus, Prong Collars work as a self-correcting tool for the men’s best friend. 

How Long Should A Dog Wear A Prong Collar?

A dog shouldn’t wear a Prong Collar for more than an hour. Before the training session starts, put the Prong Collar on your dog correctly to get your pup familiar with the stuff. 

It helps the dog’s mind to recognize the tool positively, which eventually helps in training; when your dog is on a Prong Collar, never tie him up or leave him unattended. 

You must be more careful using the Prong Collar in public. Always attach the regular flat collar with a harness adjoined to the Prong Collar while walking your dog in public. So that if the Prong Collar falls off, you’ll remain still connected to your dog with the flat collar.

Words To Conclude

If you’re still reading, hope that now you got the basic idea of why use a Prong Collar on a dog very well. From today, don’t specify Prong Collars as a dangerous tool; instead, they can turn out to be very beneficial for your best furry buddy.

Meta Description

Are you wondering why use a Prong Collar on a dog? Here is described why and the myths cleared about Prong Collars.