Stomach bloating is fairly common and usually nothing to worry about. It could indicate constipation, gas, acid reflux, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in 70% of cases. A diet lacking in fibre can also cause discomfort, as can food intolerances or stress. Stomach bloating can be described as the stomach feeling too full and, consequently, being uncomfortable. When bloat and fatigue are combined, it could be an indication of a more serious problem.
Food and Bloating
The twin symptoms of bloating fatigue can be a concern. However, healthy gut bacteria are needed to ensure an optimal environment for digestion and to avoid disease conditions taking advantage of poor gut health. How to help with bloating and fatigue starts with diet, ruling out food intolerances, improving eating habits, such as chewing slowly with the mouth closed to avoid taking in air, and managing stress.
In 30% of cases, bloat and fatigue can be a sign of a serious illness. In other words, they require a doctor’s attention. Here we will look at three conditions you need to be aware of.
Coeliac Disease
If you have bloating and fatigue accompanied by brittle nails, this could indicate celiac disease. The bloating aspect could be related to an iron deficiency, with more signs being cold feet and hands and pain in the chest. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition. Because the body attacks its own tissues, the small intestine becomes damaged and limits the ability to absorb nutrition. This is sparked off by eating foods containing gluten, rye, and barley.
Bloating and weight loss combined are possible cancer symptoms. You should not ignore a weight loss of five percent over the course of six to twelve months, unless it has a reasonable explanation, such as dieting. If the loss is extreme and rapid, you need to be checked for pancreatic, lung, ovarian, or colon cancer. These symptoms may also point to liver disease, diabetes, or thyroid issues. Bloating may be due to tumours that collect fluid and push up against the abdomen. Cancer can cause exhaustion as it quickly draws energy from the body. Cancerous cells use up resources at a faster rate than normal cells, hence the weight loss.
Thyroid Conditions
Bloating plus fatigue are commonly found in serious thyroid conditions. The thyroid gland is responsible for releasing the hormones needed for metabolism. Sometimes, too many thyroid hormones are released, resulting in a condition known as hyperthyroidism. You may also lose weight with hyperthyroidism. Conversely, when the thyroid produces too few thyroid hormones, an autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Disease, may be responsible.
There is no cure for these conditions, but patients are prescribed thyroid hormone therapy to normalise the levels being produced, and in so doing, alleviating many symptoms. Those with Hashimoto’s Disease are prescribed additional thyroid hormones to boost levels in the body. Hyperthyroidism is addressed with medication to block overproduction of thyroid hormones. Nevertheless, these conditions have to be managed as a chronic illness.
If you experience bloating and fatigue, take note of when it is important to get a medical checkup.