It is critical to choose what kind of animated videos you will be choosing for your marketing. Certain videos will appeal to particular market objectives better than others. With numerous types of videos available, it can be easy to fall into the trap of analysis paralysis. It might leave you unsure of the most efficient strategy to take for your business or current marketing undertaking.

It is critical to understand the wide variety of animation styles provided by animated company video services for marketing and review their specific strengths and how to utilize them best.

2-D character animation

It is no surprise that this type of animation is on the list. It is one of the most well-known and broadly implemented explainer video types being deployed today. There are several good reasons for this.

Both characters and scenes are created in a two-dimensional environment by animated company video services utilizing perspective to provide an illusion of depth. The 2D animation video style is highly versatile, allowing for fantastic customization that, when done correctly, leads to an emotionally compelling piece that can appeal directly to its target audience.

Motion graphics video style

Comparable to 2-D, motion graphics are extraordinarily engaging and streamlined. It is an ideal type of animation for companies trying to showcase complicated products or services, such as in the tech industry. This type of animation works wonders at visually combining large amounts of information speedily and efficiently.

In these video types, intelligent use of graphics aid in illustrating the message without getting in the way of being distracted from the intended marketing aims behind it. These types of animation are fresh, colorful, as well as dynamic. Motion graphics video is able to hook viewers from the start.

Whiteboard animation

One of the most utilized explainer video types for B2C and B2B is Whiteboard Animation video. It provides the perfect platform to get deeper into products and services. It is composed of simulating blackline graphics drawn on a white background that illustrate concepts or ideas being discussed.

These types of videos are popular because of their effectiveness since the graphics are dynamic, and animations do an incredible job of delivering complicated messages while keeping the audience hooks. Utilizing a streamlined style results in a straightforward and crisp finish.

5D animation style

The main attraction of this type of animation is the stimulating 3-D environment. It utilizes a technique that consists of layering objects to create a piece that is sophisticated and fluid. Similar to watching cutouts moving, a 3-D like environment has every element designed in 2-D.

It synthesizes all the benefits of a motion graphics animation with numerous visual effects that result in a unique, professional, and engaging animation. Also, it is able to achieve this without the added hassle and expense of 3-D animation.

3-D animation style

Out of the numerous animation style types, 3-D is a standout for delivering a state-of-the-art, high-quality result. It has a unique aesthetic, making it effortless for audiences to experience what is being shown.

But 3-D video style is not widely used for commercial purposes since producing these types of animations can be pretty costly and challenging to get the desired results. Added to this is the long production time as any change or adjustments will require more time to implement. A 3-D might not be the optimum choice when there is a concern for budget and time.

Stop motion video style

These pieces deploy a particular type of animation utilizing a technique of photographing an object as it is moved in incremental amounts. It creates the illusion of motion when finally played. You may have likely seen these video types utilized in some animation films that take advantage of this truly innovative effect.

Although it is unique and interesting, the top drawback of this style is the cost and the lack of flexibility to troubleshoot problems halfway through the production process. Even if you go the route of simulating the effects in a 3-D setup, costs and adaptability remain issues that are challenging.

Typography explainer video type

This type of video utilizes animation of fonts to convey ideas. While it may seem extremely simplistic, and it is, it is still an option that can perfectly fit with certain projects.

With clever and implementation of fonts and animation, this type can do an awesome job of underlining and reinforcing particular messages resulting in a profound impression on your audience.


Digital recordings of footage that are screen-captured are backed up by narration. It is rather simple, but it may just be the perfect match for some projects. A screencast is a common strategy for startups, especially in the technology sector, as it does a fantastic job of conveying a process via video affordably.


It is critical to utilize animation videos for your marketing efforts since they are entertaining and immersive. Animation videos are gaining traction in the marketing world, and it is critical to choose the right type for your project. There are numerous types to choose from which match every goal and budget.