Did you know there are around 1700 recording studios in the US? This means you have a lot to choose from.

Searching the internet for ‘recording studios near me’, might show you the studios in your area, but it won’t tell you what to look for.

The studio you work with can make or break a recording, so it’s important you choose the right one. 

If you’d like to learn what to consider when choosing a recording studio, this guide is for you.  

1. What Equipment Is Provided?

One of the main things you should consider when choosing a recording studio is the equipment on offer. Finding a studio with equipment that suits your needs is important.

If you’re a vocalist, you should check to see what studio recording microphone they use. And if you’re a producer, you may want to find somewhere with a comfortable recording studio desk. 

A studio with the right equipment makes the recording process smoother. It means you don’t have to worry about lugging around heavy equipment. And this means you’re able to spend more time focusing on the recording. 

The top recording studios will provide a wide variety of equipment and facilities. 

2. Consider Acoustics

The acoustics of the studio’s recording booth will affect the sound of your recording. If the recording booth reverberates sound in a way you dislike, you may have to change your EQing. Otherwise, you could end up unhappy with your recording.

The average recording studio can charge up to $200 per hour. So if you’re working to a tight budget, it’s important to record your track as quickly as possible.

This means that you don’t want to spend extra remixing your EQing due to bad acoustics. Thus, when searching for a music recording studio, you should consider its acoustics.

3. Research the Studios History

Before choosing a studio, you should research its history and reputation. This could help you avoid booking a bad recording studio. Make sure to check customer reviews that are not provided on the studio’s website.

It might also be worthwhile to see what other musicians have recorded at the studio. If your favorite artist has recorded at the studio, recording there may help you achieve a similar sound. Or it may simply inspire you. 

Researching a recording studio’s history will help you to build a good picture of the experience you could be in for. 

4. Consider Atmosphere

Did you know that stress can ruin creativity levels? This means the atmosphere of a recording studio can impact the creative process.

The right studio should make you feel at ease and relaxed. It should facilitate the flowing of creative juices, and make the recording process smooth. 

The atmosphere of a studio can be made up by its decor, location, and employees. If you don’t get along with the people that work there, it might not be the right studio for you.

Ideally, you should get along especially well with the studio’s audio engineer. This will ensure communication is easy, and result in a better final recording. 

You’re Ready to Choose a Recording Studio

After reading through this guide, you should now know what to look for in a recording studio.  fOnce you’ve used these 4 helpful tips to choose a studio, you’re ready to record.

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