Sony’s next-generation console PlayStation 5 currently has a issue that prevents the console from restarting normal operations after entering rest Mode.

The simplest and most commonly used method is to hold and press on the power button 15 secs, and then normal programming will resume.

Reasons Your PS5 Won’t Turn On

While the PS5 could be affected by a glitch however, there are other problems that may hinder its functioning. They could be the reasons for of why your PS5 will not turn on, according to the Droid Guy:

  1. Problems with power supply
  2. PS5 Software for the system is damaged
  3. Your gaming console could be accumulating dirt.
  4. The internal hardware inside your gaming console has been damaged.

Furthermore, issues related to an issue with the software are inevitable when your PS5 console is booted into Safe Mode. However, it could be a hardware issue on your part if your console is totally unresponsive.

How to Fix Your PS5

Here are some ways you could try to make your PS5 normal According to.

  1. Reboot the PS5 console by hand. If, after entering Rest Mode and your console isn’t turning on Press on the power switch for approximately 15 minutes. This will enable the console to reboot with an alert message will be displayed.
  2. Try putting an actual game disc into the drive. If the drive for the disc within the PS5 Standard Edition is empty Try gently inserting the game, but Don’t push it. Your PS5 could start normal when it pulls up the disc.
  3. Connect the power source for 30 minutes. Unplug the power source from the PS5 and power outlet. After reconnecting the power source Try switching the console back on.
  4. Your PS5 could require rebooting when the console is turned on, but doesn’t get started. To reboot, hold pressing the power button till the light on the LED disappears. Shut off the power supply and then leave the console for about 20 mins before reconnecting to turn it back on.
  5. Use a separate power cable. The PS5 uses similar IEC C7 power cord as the PS4 and PS3. PS4 as well as the PS3. If you have an old console you can try switching out the power cords and see whether it solves the problem. If you require an upgrade cable, you can purchase one from any electronics retailer.
  6. Switch to a different source of power. An issue in your surge protector, power supply or wall socket may be the reason. If your other devices aren’t able to connect to this outlet you can try connecting the PS5 PS5 in a new outlet.
  7. Start the PlayStation 5 while it is in Safe Mode. Switch off the console and hold your power button till you can hear another beep in order to switch into Safe Mode. Then, restart it by holding down the PS button on the controller. Think about resetting your console to factory settings as an option since it can restore your system to its factory settings and erase your game saves.
  8. Upgrade PS5 system software manually. PS5 System software by hand. In the event that Safe Mode is accessible, attempt downloading the most current version of the software onto the USB drive, then install it manually.
  9. Check that the interior of the PS5 is spotless. Dust can enter the console and cause overheating and other issues with the hardware. Cleaning it up using compressed air has been successful. The case of each PS5 console is easily opened, but cleaning the delicate inside components requires a bit of care.

Finally, if all the above methods were attempted and the PS5 isn’t working and you’re not sure why, go to the nearest Sony retailer and have repaired or replaced. If you’re not satisfied, go to Sony’s PlayStation Repair or Replace page to find out the possibility that your PS5 can be eligible for a repair or replacement that is free.

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