Holiday marketing for your eCommerce business is a delicate art. You want to make the most of this time-limited opportunity, but you don’t want to annoy (or worse – lose) your customers with heavy advertising and promotions.

Below are some of the holiday advertising for ecommerce strategies you can consider:

When Is The Best Time To Do Holiday Marketing?

If you are looking for the best time to get the most bang for your buck, then research shows that Black Friday is probably not the best day, and it’s likely you’re going to get more eyeballs on Cyber Monday anyway. So if you want to get the most bang for your buck, then you should probably focus on that.

Best day to advertise: Monday (before Thanksgiving)

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that if you want your holiday marketing campaign to succeed, you need to make sure it’s relevant. There are two ways this may be true – firstly if you advertise on the right platform, and secondly, if you advertise with the right content.

Let’s first look at where people are most active:

  • Not all social media platforms were created equal. It is clear that although Facebook has a huge audience (and is important to tap into), some platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest may be more appropriate for some brands.
  • It’s also worth noting that the type of content you post on social media may affect your success. Research suggests that images, infographics, and videos are more likely to be shared than text-heavy posts.
  • The ideal length for ads on Facebook is under 50 characters (so make sure your message is clear), while LinkedIn prefers longer posts of around 100 characters.

Best Time To Post On Social Media

The best time to post on social media depends on which platform you are using. If you’re looking for maximum user engagement, then two times stand out from the rest – 8-9 am and 6-7 pm. It is when users are most likely to be active on social media.

Posting at these times gives you 3-4x the ‘normal’ number of views.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should post just once a day – it’s likely that even if you have two or three marketing messages in a single post, users will be less engaged (unless your posts are interesting and relevant).

Factor in the time of year

If you want to get more views, posting during the holidays is a good idea. Users tend to be more social at this time – so your posts will likely reach a wider audience. You can check out some useful advice on when to post on Facebook and how often to post on LinkedIn.

Google Trends shows us which holidays are most popular during what month. The holiday season may provide you with an opportunity to cash in on some free marketing – but it also shows us how important it is to make sure your posts are relevant for this time of year.

Final Notes

Holiday marketing is a delicate balance – you need to strike the right tone and increase your customer base. With this in mind, it’s certainly worth looking at the different factors that affect user engagement on social media before you commit. These strategies tend to be most successful for eCommerce brands, but you should also consider how your product offering may tie in with each platform.