The handsome SBI Clerk Salary always attracts a candidate to apply for this exam. But to get your dream come true, you must also be aware of challenges you could face while attempting an exam. 

English Language Skill Oriented Challenges – 

Most of you might already check the SBI Clerk Eligibility and do find yourself ready to apply for this banking job. However, are you good at the English language? If not, then you need to start doing practice. As the name of the section reveals on its own that it will be all about the critical segments such as grammar, comprehension, exercise-oriented, etc. 

  • Try To Solve Different Types Of Grammar Oriented Issues – Grammar is a wide topic since it covers different areas of the language. You need to practice different types of grammar-oriented issues so that you could go well at that. Doing practice will make you go comfortable with the different sections such as jumbled paragraphs, figures of speeches, and sentence corrections oriented questions. 
  • Work On Your Vocabulary – Most of the clients lose their marks since they are not good at vocabulary. It could be a type of hassle. You must do work on making your vocabulary stronger. If you are not good at it then it could be a tricky part of the paper. You would be needed to prepare for vocabulary tests, jumbled paragraphs, figures of speech, and so on. The motto of the English Language paper is testing the reading and writing skills of your English language. Though it would be a basic level oriented exam, it could be tricky if you did not prepare it completely. 

Numerical Ability Oriented Challenges – 

After English, students do face challenges related to numerical ability. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the quantitative section is quite important when it comes to banking. As you are supposed to start your career being a banker, you need to be good at it. Numerical Ability also plays a major role to uphold the entire credibility of a banking institution too. Numerical Ability test is done to ensure the arithmetic is at the fingertips of the candidates. 

  • Do Practice Formulas and Solutions – Since it is a bit tricky does not mean that you would not be able to crack this section. All you need to prepare a note adding all formulae as well as solutions. Now, the point comes about how you can get good at it. You must start doing practice from older papers indeed. You should keep testing yourself going with a mock test to enhance your grab on it. 
  • Do Work On Your Speed Too – Generally, candidates do think that it is one of the most time-taking sections. You need to go with excellent speed and accuracy when it comes to exams. You need to work on your weaknesses as well as strengths too. You will be having a total number of 35 questions that you need to do within 20 minutes. You need to make sure that you are quite good at basic class X level oriented mathematics syllabus. 

Reasoning Ability Related Challenges –

The next on the list is reasoning ability related challenges. You may not believe that this section can either make your speed or lead you to pause on it. Have you been thinking that why so? 

  • Regular Practice – Many students find this section quite tricky and difficult to do. It is suggested that one should put the best efforts and carefulness to get the desired marks. Only practice can make you better in this section. When you start going with regular practice, your way of analysis also gets started quite faster. 
  • Understand The Pattern Of Exam – Talking about this section, you need to work on coding-decoding, syllogism, data interpretation, series, and so on. You can make yourself good at this if you get to identify the pattern of the questions. You need to understand it deeply so that you would not get confused while answering. 
  • Practice Can Make You Win The Game –– Once you start practice for this section, it will truly turn into the easiest one. You will get how easy these questions are. You should attempt as many as questions you can do within the stipulated time so that you could have a high score. Experts say that you should start with a question that does not look like puzzles. It will help you to get comfortable with this section in the beginning. You could start with Syllogisms, Alphanumeric Series, etc. 

In The Last – 

These challenges would not be difficult if you start to practice. So, what are you waiting for? It is time to make sure that you should start your study pattern considering these challenges so that you could prepare yourself in a better way. 

Author Bio

Chetan Sharma is a blogger and digital marketer by profession. He handles a network of multiple websites like Sheni Blog & various others. He helps clients all over the world to achieve digital success.