Are you planning for breast enlargement? There could be different reasons for different women to consider breast enlargement. For instance, it could be to improve self-confidence, enhance appearance, enhance body shape, etc. While there could be many natural breast enlargement procedures like massage, exercise, etc., such measures may not work well for everybody. 

Therefore, they need to follow another route that leads them to breast enlargement surgery. Many patients are opting for breast augmentation through surgery to get the perfect breast size that they desire. 

However, it is best to consult a specialist that offers safe and secure breast augmentation procedures, which is also known as augmentation mammoplasty.

Why Opt for Breast Enlargement?

Here’s why some women opt for breast enlargement: 

  • Enlarge their naturally small breasts
  • Restore breast shape and size after weight loss, pregnancy or breastfeeding 
  • Restore breasts after surgery
  • Restore perfect symmetry of asymmetrical breasts 
  • Plastic surgery includes cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery

While reconstructive breast surgery is done to treat breast cancer, cosmetic breast surgery is done to enhance one’s body appearance and aesthetics. 

As per a study conducted in 2007, the University of Florida’s researchers determined that breast enlargement done via cosmetic surgery enhances women’s self-esteem while improving their feeling about sexuality. That’s the reason why many women today are opting for cosmetic breast enlargement surgery or other procedures to improve the size and shape of their breasts. 

Options for Breast Enlargement

Here are some commonly known options to enlarge breasts:

Breast Implantation

It is a medical prosthesis, which is inserted inside the breasts to reconstruct, augment or create a certain shape of the breast. The breast implants include saline, silicone and some other compound. 

Three types of breast implants are: 

  • Saline Implants: These usually consist of sterile saline solution, such as salt water, that’s held inside the elastomer silicone shell. All these implants are filled with varying amounts of saline solution that helps in improving the firmness, shape and feel of the breasts. In case, the saline implant leaks, its solution can be absorbed, as well as expelled naturally, by the body. 
  • Silicone Implants: These implants include a silicone outer shell that’s filled with silicone gel. In case of these implants leak, the gel will escape in the breast implant pocket or stay within the shell. Patients with this type of implant must consider regular follow-up checkups with doctors compared to the patients with saline implants. An ultrasound or MRI scan may be done to check the implants’ condition. 
  • Composite Implants: These implants are usually filled with soy oil, polypropylene or some other material. 

Fat Grafting

An alternative to surgical implants is fat grafting. This technique uses a person’s fat cells for breast augmentation. This procedure may not involve any surgery or bad scarring but it requires multiple injection procedures to get the right result. 

What to Expect During Breast Enlargement Surgery?

When planning for breast enlargement surgery, patients must think carefully before they opt for this technique. This is because the implants may go under or over the pectoral muscle. 

So, the surgeon must help their patient choose the right size of the implant for better results. It can be done by putting different implant sizes into a bra to help them see how their augmented breasts would look and feel. 

Usually, a general anaesthetic is given to the patients during the surgical procedure. Sometimes the local anaesthetic may be given to keep the patient awake during the surgery. 

Incision Options

Both patient and surgeon must have a clear discussion about the incision options. Here are some common incision options: 

  • Transaxillary Incision: It is done in the armpit
  • Inframammary Incision: It is done under the breast’s crease 
  • Periareolar Incision: It is done around the nipple

The incision choice often depends on various factors, including how much enlargement is needed as per the patient’s body size, surgeon-patient preference and implant type. 

Inserting implant

The breast implant is typically inserted within a pocket. There are two types of placements: 

  • A subglandular or submammary placement, which is done behind the breast tissue, just above the pectoral muscle.
  • A submuscular placement, which is done just under the pectoral muscle. Its recovery may take a longer time and there’s more pain after the surgery.

Healing & Recovery

It is best to follow the surgeon’s instructions and go for regular follow-ups after the surgery to ensure a quick recovery. 


Breast enlargement can be a great option for women to boost their self-confidence; however, it’s crucial to choose the best surgeon to deliver the best result. Moreover, research properly about the benefits and side-effects of breast implants before getting it done. 

Experienced and qualified surgeons often make patients aware of the breast enlargement procedure and inform them about things to expect during and after surgery. This way, a patient can make a well-informed decision to change their breast shape or size.