Software comparison and review websites are closely connected and are a great way to show what you have to offer to potential clients. Most of them have a high level of trust from their visitors which can provide great recognition for you. Some of these pages have great power when it comes to increasing sales. But, with the rising number of these platforms, it can be difficult to figure out which one is the best.

From a customer perspective, these are gold mines of information about service and programs we need on daily basis not only for business. You can find information about every application you use or program that helps you organize or manage yourself. The collection is huge and you can find programs for single-use to those meant for large companies.

What’s good about them?

It’s hard to say what’s negative about these websites because the benefits will always mask the issues if there were any. When someone has a big role in buyer’s perception, it could be a good and a bad thing. It’s bad when your product can’t handle what customers want and ends up with bad ratings. On the other side, it’s great because you might get a large number of new loyal clients just because of the great rating. Find more information here.

Advantages of listing your software

With the increase of software companies, the number of available programs is increasing constantly which is overwhelming for the consumer. This leads them to review sites to find out what other people are using and what solution is the best. They think this is the way to make the right decision even if it takes more than to look at the top 10 picks.

Another reason why customers visit them is that they are unbiased third parties, which also suggests that the top places you see for a certain type of product aren’t bought. Instead, everything is based on what people and professional testers have to say about the product.

Clients will nowadays follow these third parties instead of hearing what salespeople have to say because they try to guarantee perfection. People know that this isn’t true so it’s much better to look at what someone who isn’t affiliated with the company has to say about it. No matter how they react to your product, you will gain something from having it on the platform like more traffic and exposure.

How does it work?

Software comparison websites are meant to review and collect data about a certain program, service, or product and make a summary for the visitors. It is some kind of filter that provides relevant information and useful options for your business or needs.

Everything is very detailed when it comes to describing features and everything the vendor has to offer. Some of them have professionals that do the ranking and others compile feedback from users and check each one if it is legitimate.


It is difficult to rank this type of website because there are only two parameters you need to look at. The first one is the reviews and how legitimate they are and the second one is the number of software they have in their database. Either way Truely is among the ones that are trying to prove why these platforms are so useful for every visitor.

One thing that visitors generally like about them is the ease of use and the number of categories they have to offer. With the in-depth data they provide, you can save a lot of time by reading a single page and getting all the information you need.


Not only that they have a great name for this purpose but there are also free and premium options available. Their goal is to attract small and medium-sized businesses especially SaaS solutions. Compared to others on the list, they have a very simple filtering system.

Another problem in ranking these websites is that some of them like GetApp specialize in a certain type of software or in this case Software as a Service solution. This can be the choice for you if you are just looking for a quick solution without putting too much effort into finding the best among the best.

G2 Crowd

Probably one of the biggest platforms on the list, G2 Crowd is a well-established institution that reviews software. Over a million users on a monthly basis visit their page in search of all kinds of products. What attracts this large number of users is the number of apps they cover. They have everything from simple to most complex solutions.

Unlike G2, they have detailed comparisons which take time to go through but you will most likely find what you need. You will only be able to compare applications that have the same goal so there won’t be any issues mixing different things together.

Software Advice

This isn’t a free version and it works on a pay-per-lead system but it has its advantages. The extensive range of categories allows you to find anything you want with ease. You can filter the products based on platform compatibility, user rating, price range, business size, and industry.

Like most on the list, they offer comparison tools and buyer guides if you can’t figure out which option is for you. The way they operate is by curating a list of options based on telephonic conversations. Merchants will then make a free listing but pay-per-lead is delivered to them through the service.


Capterra is most likely the favorite option for vendors because you can list your software for free. With over 400 categories that have their own filtering system, you are able to search for a feature you want and come up with a few options available.

They also offer lists of the top software, for example, top 20 ranked based on user-friendliness, pricing, and popularity. As some on the list, they offer buyer’s guides, comparisons, and educational infographics. Each one on the list has its advantages so you should make a choice based on your needs.