You may be enticed to purchase from these online websites because of the affordable prices of their merchandise. But, since they offer these ridiculous discounts on brand-name products it is essential to scrutinize the website thoroughly and determine if it’s legitimate and trustworthy for shopping online or not.
We are glad to be able to conduct all the research for you, and give you the verdict on these sites. Today, we present you Review to evaluate its credibility.
What is is an internet shop that deals with video game consoles, as well as other products that are related.
You can find the Sony’s PlayStation series as well as the Nintendo Switch series, Microsoft’s Xbox series, as well as the other essential accessories. Also, there is an Oculus Quest2 virtual real-world headset.
The site is simple to navigate and manage. The specifications, features as well as other details on the products are described in the description boxes.
The Review piece, we remind that there’s huge Black Friday sale with up to 70% off products. However, customers can sign up to the company’s newsletter to receive special offers and discounts in the near future.
Specifications of
Make sure to take a take a look at these policies of the customer and other information regarding this online store:
- URL:
- Domain age: this site is 27 days old. Its owners have registered it recently on the 23rd of November, 2021.
- Store that specializes games consoles for video as well as related accessories
- Phone number: We state within reviews that there is no phone number is shown on the site.
- Email address: [email protected]
- Company address: 1026 West Marietta St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA
- Social media icons appear There is Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter icons that are displayed on the site, however they’re not functioning.
- Shipping and delivery policies: The company did not reveal its delivery and shipping policies apart from the site. But, for each product, it lists the estimated shipping time for the specific product. They also ship items worldwide to every country.
- Accepted payment options: In Review we will inform you that this business accepts credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal too. Coupon codes are also accepted at the time of checkout.
- Return and exchange policies: No details regarding the company’s returns and exchange policies is provided on the site.
- The policy on refunds is not mentioned.
Pros of
Here are some good points on this site:
- It doesn’t have blacklist status for domains.
- The HTTPS connection is in use on the website.
- The items are offered at a low cost.
Cons of
Here are some negative aspects on this site:
- An untrustworthy score is awarded to this website.
- No reviews from customers are available.
- It was registered just recently.
Is Legit?
Before you begin reading Review Please take a consider the following aspects:
- Domain age: only 27 days 23/11/2021
- Domain Expiry: 23/11/2022
- Trust Rank: 1.3/100
- Trust Index: only 1/100 trust index is allocated to this store.
- Alexa rank: a #4,544,132
- Plagiarized content: The majority of the content on this site is plagiarized because it is compatible with other websites.
- Customer policies: No policy is listed on the website.
- Customer reviews are not available.
- About Us page: no page or content of this kind is available on the site
- Originality of the address: The address of the company on the site appears to be to be fake.
- Owner’s information: There is no information about the owner on the site.
- Unrealistic discounts: The company offers incredible discounts on brand-name products. Review from the users
Unfortunately, there aren’t any customer reviews, feedbacks, or reviews on the web regarding or its products.
However, some customers are asking about the legitimacy of the website. A few customers have already made orders through the site, and are now worried about losing their money. Therefore, it is important to be cautious!
The Final Verdict Review focused on website that deals with the most popular consoles for video games such as Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox. Users can easily locate their accessories as well.
We have discussed all potential negative points that may be related to this site. After a thorough analysis we recommend you avoid this website when doing any shopping online.