The Bartail players could encounter the Valorant 0xc00005 application error code, which is also referred to as an access violation error according to Windows. This is a common mistake that players experience while trying to run the game after updating the patch. This is due to many basic causes.

The error code appears when players try to start or run the application or game. Prevents access to programs and games and has communication saying that the game is not able to start correctly.

Many players in the United States reported an online error and searched for effective solutions and corrections.

What is Valorant 0xc00005?

The valorant error code 0xc00005 is a frequent error when players try to start or open the game on your device with Windows or console. This error related to Windows is only addressed by Windows users, regardless of the OS version.

This application error caused by many basic problems. Many users in the United States confirmed that the error usually appears after updating the programmer patch. The error makes the players before starting the game and access to its functions.

As an error code will appear, Windows ends the application and closes it, preventing the player to play on a computer running Windows or console. As mentioned, many factors occurring an error, and therefore players find effective solutions for fixing Valorant 0xc00005 and resume the game.

How to Fix An Error?

After the test, we found a few methods to fix the error code. Users must track a few simple steps to fix this effectively and run the game without any problems.

• If you have an antivirus downloaded to the system, start the software.

• Because the software starts, go to the settings from the menu bar.

• Click the Exception option available in the settings menu and click “Add Exception”.

• Now browse the location of the game or file.

• Find a valorial location and select the game folder and click “OK”.

• Try to start the game, and Valorant 0xc00005 will be repaired.

If you have an older version of Windows 7, it’s time to upgrade it to Windows 10 and install an older version of the NVIDIA driver to restore the game and repair the error. Restart the system and enjoy the game without any obstacles.

What players must say about error?

The error not only disturbs the selected number of players, but many players are standing in front of the game during playback or starting the game.

Many players shared their views and comments for video tutorial. They confirmed that this is due to the update of the amendment, and some say that this is due to other basic causes.


Valorant 0xc00005 is a common application error, and patches are available. However, players must carefully perform steps to fix the error and resume the game.

It is important to understand the basic cause of error to implement effective solutions for fixing it. Find the cause of the error and fix it accordingly.

Do you have a mistake and I have to repair it? Share it with others in the Comment Section.