Cannabis is not just about THC. As a matter of fact, cannabis is not just about cannabinoids. Whether cannabis is consumed orally, vaped, or smoked, the effects are the outcome of a complex interplay between numerous compounds that have beneficial interactions with one another. Many of these compounds, though, are not well understood. 

Research indicates that cannabis possesses various therapeutic advantages that could aid in treating diverse health conditions. To include cannabis in your medical treatment plan, acquiring a West Virginia medical marijuana card is necessary, which can be obtained through online application or by consulting a medical marijuana physician.

The total active cannabinoid content (TAC) of cannabis should, nevertheless, be listed on the label if you’re purchasing it legally (or, who knows, from the greatest dealer ever). Focusing on strains or products with your favorite compounds is a great way to get the most out of your experience if you know what kind of high you like. For people who identify as medical users, it becomes even more crucial because different compounds and ratios may work better than others at relieving particular symptoms.

Ultimately, understanding the TAC of your product can greatly enhance your experience, regardless of the type of cannabis user you are.

What Is TAC?

Total active cannabinoid, or TAC for short, is the amount of detectable cannabinoids in a cannabis product that will impact its overall effects or high. We refer to this mutually beneficial relationship as the entourage effect. When TAC and THC are discussed in relation to one another, it is important to remember that they complement rather than compete.

To the point where its existence is uncertain, the entourage effect is presently poorly understood. Research suggests that it is most likely a genuine phenomenon, though.

In any case, it’s thought that the various cannabinoids (as well as other compounds) in some strains interact to produce different effects in the end. The equation is not as straightforward as X THC = Y high. It has been demonstrated that CBD can mitigate some of the psychotropic effects of THC in the most well-known entourage effect scenario. Thus, it may be possible to lessen the side effects of THC, like racing heart and paranoia, by approaching a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio.

This is just one instance involving just two cannabinoids; the overall effect may be influenced by a vast array of other molecules interacting both directly and indirectly within the body.

TAC (Total Active Cannabinoids) vs TAC (Total Aerobic Count)

The term “total aerobic count” (TAC) can also apply to cannabis. This is the term used by the industry to refer to a product’s total microbial content in all of agriculture.

Before their product is sold, breeders in commercial cannabis operations frequently have to submit their cannabis for TAC testing. It is, nevertheless, a very limited practice and not very illuminating.

Total aerobic count can tell you the number of microorganisms present, but it cannot tell you if those microbes are harmful or helpful. For example, to protect their plants, many cannabis growers use an organic bacterial fungicide called Bacillus subtilis. As a result, even though the finished product poses no health risks to end users, it may have a high TAC count. Similarly, a low TAC count does not always translate into a low pathogenic microbe population.

However, since the final product is unlikely to have an advertisement for the total aerobic count, buyers are unlikely to be concerned about this. However, the total amount of active cannabinoids might be.

What Cannabinoids Are in Weed? 

The cannabis plant is known to produce 113 different types of cannabinoids. These are known as phytocannabinoids in technical terms; the word “phyto” refers to plants.

Among the 113 phytocannabinoids, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most prevalent and well-known. But there are a lot, lot more. Cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) is the first cannabinoid to form in the cannabis plant. The production of all other cannabinoids occurs from CBGA.

There is a very small amount of research on this topic, but some ancillary cannabinoids have drawn interest from both researchers and cannabis users:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA)

This is the precursor to THC, which is not active until it undergoes decarboxylation, or heating. When cannabis is smoked, vaped, or heated to a suitable temperature, a lot of this occurs.

  • Cannabinol (CBN)

THC transforms into CBN as it breaks down. The possible effects of CBN on sleep are being studied.

  • Cannabichromene (CBC)

Not as much is known about this as it is about some other cannabinoids. On the other hand, THC appears to have a higher affinity for CB1 receptors while it appears to have a strong affinity for CB2 receptors. Studies indicate that merging the two could lead to more all-encompassing results through the entourage effect.

  • Cannabidivarin (CBDV)

This compound is more prevalent in wild indica landraces found in Central Asia than it is in most commercially available cannabis strains. It is believed to have effects similar to CBD and shares a similar chemical structure with it.

Key Points About Total Active Cannabinoids (TAC) in Cannabis

Thus, it’s evident that cannabis’s overall effects aren’t solely determined by these two potent cannabinoids. There could be hundreds of distinct molecules at play when using cannabis, whether you’re getting high or just enjoying a non-psychotropic strain.

What use does this have for you? You’ll be better able to obtain the intended effect and minimize any side effects if you can ascertain the TAC of cannabis strains and products before making a purchase.

Naturally, even if manufacturers list the TAC and you live in a state where cannabis is legal, it won’t tell you every compound in there. However, it should also break down some terpenes in addition to the main cannabinoids.

We’ll probably learn more in the future about the functions that various compounds perform. At RQS, that is precisely what we are doing. A recent project called RQS Pro aims to conduct state-of-the-art research on cannabis and its constituent parts. With time, we will gain a deeper comprehension of their various roles and the most effective ways to utilize them. With enough knowledge about the various components of cannabis, we should eventually be able to create a plethora of strains with precisely balanced ratios. It’s likely that we will have whatever you want.