Medical researchers point out that most humans breathe through their noses. It’s an instinct that ensures people don’t choke while they’re eating or sleeping. 

Some evolution has occurred, and some humans do breathe through their mouths. In some circles, professionals believe that joggers should breathe through their mouths instead of their noses. The action maximizes the flow of oxygen.

However a person breathes, it becomes a cause for concern when the person notices that it is disruptive during sleep.

Let’s look at the top seven methods to stop mouth breathing while sleeping.

1. Reduce Your Stress

Individuals who experience sleep apnea often breathe through their mouth instead of their nose.  They open their mouths to compensate for the obstruction in their throat.

For others, stress causes it. Stress impacts the body negatively in several ways. Mouth breathing during sleep is one.

To test the waters, find ways to reduce stress in your life. Then, determine if it helped.

2. Clear Your Nose

Even though humans have hair in their noses, dust, allergens, and pollutants still make their way into the canals. While individuals sleep, they breathe in more heavily. That’s why it’s so important to keep the indoor air quality high.

If you notice that you must blow your nose in the morning, it’s a result of the particles that you breathe in at night. Those who realize that they sleep with their mouth open can try clearing out their nose before going to bed.

Some individuals experience nasal congestion while sleeping. Therefore, they breathe through their mouths as they rest.

3. Practice Breathing through Your Nose

Exercise is a great time to practice breathing through the nose instead of the mouth. To maximize the benefits of lifting weights, executing squats, or downward-facing dog, proper breathing plays a role.

First, don’t hold your breath during a round of exercise. Always keep breathing. When lifting weights, inhale through the nose while lowering the weight and inhale on the lift. 

For sit-ups, exhale through your nose on the contraction. Inhale on the release. 

If you wake up with a dry mouth, even after practicing your breathing, take a look at more information provided by JS Dental Lab.

4. Adopt a Sleeping Device

The medical community and entrepreneurs continually search for ways to solve problems that ail people. Some individuals remain prone to swelling of the nasal passages. Entrepreneurs tackled this issue by inventing strips that helped open them while sleeping.

Mouth tape is similar to the breathing strips. Instead of opening the mouth, the tape closes it. It’s a simple device that is worth trying for a few nights.

5. Change Your Sleeping Position

Everyone should find a sleeping position that helps them receive enough rest. However, once a person falls asleep, there is no way to know how many times they toss and turn without getting a study.

To stop mouth breathing, consider adopting optimal sleep positions for sleep apnea.

The medical community recommends sleeping on the right or left side. Sleeping on the left side reduces GERD. Sleeping on the right side reduces snoring and optimizes the flow of blood. 

6. Buy the Best Bedding

Sometimes the bedding causes individuals to breathe with their mouth open during sleep; it’s not necessarily a medical issue.

First, check your pillow’s height and firmness. Snoring occurs after a person falls asleep. The soft palate, tongue, and throat relax. If air gets trapped in the throat, it doesn’t travel until the individual shifts their position. 

Lying flat causes the trapped air in the throat more often. Therefore, sleep experts recommend obtaining a taller pillow. The belief is that propping up the head helps air travel with fewer obstructions.

Also, purchase cozy pillow covers, sheets, and blankets. They help you remain comfortable while snoozing. 

7. Consult with the Professionals

Once a condition becomes disruptive, it’s time to consult with professionals. Mouth breathing while sleeping is sometimes a sign of sleep apnea. 

If an individual exhibits sleep apnea symptoms, check in with a primary physician. Waking up with a dry mouth, mild headaches, or a sore throat are other signs it’s time to seek a professional solution. 


When individuals do not obtain a good night’s rest, it’s important to tackle the reasons why. If mouth breathing is keeping you up, plenty of solutions exist.