According to sleep specialists, more than 60% of the adult population confront with sleep troubles several times per week. This is why James Maas, PhD, leading sleep researcher and psychology professor at Cornell University shares a few tips and advice to help people who suffer from sleep troubles address their sleep-related issues to enjoy a better rest at night.

Establish a consistent bedtime routine. In time, your body will adjust to these actions by relaxing and by preparing for sleep. By repeating these activities in the same order, evening after evening, you’ll signal your body that time for sleep has arrived. Also, try to go to bed at the same time each evening.

Another thing you can do is to dim your lights before your bedtime, in order to set the mood for sleeping. Don’t watch any screens for at least two hours before bedtime, whenever possible. Computer, TV and smartphone screens emit a blue light which induces an alert state and prevents your body from unwinding.

Invest in a good quality comfortable mattress. Be sure to check both positive and negative reviews, like these Ashley quality complaints before you make a decision on your new mattress.

Maas explained that people who sleep seven to eight hours a night but go to sleep at varied times feel less rested than those who stick to a strict and consistent sleeping schedule.

Also, don’t use an alarm clock to wake you up. By waking up naturally, you allow your body to go through all sleep phases and wake up at the right moment. The result is that you’ll feel refreshed and well-rested.

Don’t consume caffeine after 2pm. Caffeine consumption in the second part of the day leads to a difficulty to fall asleep, as well as to other sleep troubles.

Power naps during the day are very good for you, provided that they last a maximum of 20 minutes.