Do you suffer from hair fall and need a permanent solution? Have you tried many home remedies but failed to find a permanent solution? This article will inform you about a laser therapy at an affordable price in the United States. To get an in-depth view of Theradome Evo‘s legitimacy and authenticity, we are analysing it.

What is Theradome Evo, and what are its benefits?

It is a laser treatment enriched helmet which can be used at the user’s own convenience. Laser hair regrowth has been recommended by most scientists. It is also not dependent on messy treatments to strengthen hair. This is the best method to regrowth hair.

Theradome Laser treatment has scientific intricacies that will result in hair regrowth at the comfort of your home. It does not require prescriptions. It’s simply a lightweight helmet, with no cordless functions, that does its job on your scalp. TheradomeEvo Legit is the question people ask after reading about the technology. The following article will examine it, so keep reading.


  • Website type: Ecommerce website
  • Product: Laser enriched helmet for hair regrowth.
  • URL:
  • Domain name is
  • Domain Age: It is older than 10 years.
  • Email ID: [email protected]
  • Address: Theradome, Inc., 4900 Hopyard Road, Room 100, Pleasanton, CA, CA 9458
  • Contact Number: 1-855-849-6757
  • Shipping policy Not Available
  • Return Policy
  • Refund Policy. If you are not satisfied, the website will reimburse your payment.
  • Certification: It has HTTPS accreditation
  • Social media presence: It has a social network presence.
  • Reviews: Available.
  • Payment Method: Not mentioned.

Theradome Evo Pros:

  • Theradome Evo Reviews allows you to regain hair at your convenience with a high quality laser-enabled headgear.
  • It is also available to those with weak hair.
  • It also offers the option of a return and refund to make it more convenient.
  • It is active on social media sites that discuss its legitimacy.
  • The website has received positive reviews from users to help them gain faith.

Theradome Evo –

  • The website doesn’t provide any transparency regarding its owner.
  • The website is online-based so its reach is limited.

Is Theradome Evo legitimate?

  • The website domain has a history of more than 10+ years. It was built on 4th May 2009. This is a good sign.
  • The trust score for the website is 38.2%. It has a trust score of below-average to trust the website.
  • It doesn’t have an Alexa rank so it was not famous among the masses.
  • We can determine the legitimacy of the platform through the interaction with the consumers on the website.
  • Theradome Evo states thatthe web site mentions Email ID, Contact Number, and Address. The address is valid. We can also find it on Google Maps.
  • There is no transparency in the owner’s information.
  • It is possible to find genuine information on the official portal about the contact details. This seems to be an encouraging sign for the website.
  • Its official portal contains consumer reviews.
  • For your privacy, the website has HTTPS certified

These factors are what make the website seem trustworthy. Other than a low trust rating, other factors support legitimacy of the website.

What Theradome Evo ?

There are numerous user reviews on the portal. They are most common in the United States. It claims that the portal offers high-quality service, such as a Laser helmet. The Laser helmet also aids in hair growth. It helps people have strong hair, without the need of prescribed medicines or complicated operations.

Final Verdict:

The number of hair treatment options has increased tremendously. The Theradome, Evo Reviews would have included enough information about laser technology. Though suggestions are being offered, please be cautious due to the low trust index ratings.