Alcohol has been used for centuries to cure various ailments, but it is also a drug that can lead to addiction. When alcoholics are addicted, they may feel like nothing will help them escape their situation. They have likely lost control of their lives, and the only thing they might be able to control is how much alcohol they drink. For most people this results in a downward spiral with more alcoholism and less quality of life. However, there are ways out. Keep reading to learn about the different alcoholic recovery stages, so you know what kind of help you need when you’re ready to quit drinking for good.
1. Denial
Many people will try and cope with their alcoholism by denying that it’s a problem. In this stage, most alcoholics are not yet ready to ask for help or admit that there is anything wrong with them.
The first step to overcoming addiction involves admitting that you have a problem and recognizing it as such. This might be difficult at first, but this realization can give people hope for healing with help from others.
2. Anger
It’s common for people to feel anger when someone calls out their addiction to alcohol. They may feel betrayed and judged by others. However, it’s important for the addict to recognize that the people in your life want what’s best for them: to stop drinking.
3. Bargaining
In this stage, the person addicted to alcohol will try to get out of their addiction, using bargaining tools and tactics that don’t work when it comes to long term sobriety. For example, “I’ll just have this one drink and then I’ll quit.” When in fact, overcoming alcoholism requires complete commitment and sobriety.
4. Depression and guilt
This stage is where the alcoholic has finally realized that they can’t do this alone. They feel overwhelmed with disappointment in themselves for not being able to escape alcoholism on their own. This person may feel like a failure because they have let so many people down who were trying to help them.
5. Acceptance
This is where the alcoholic has finally come to terms with their addiction and they are ready for professional help. Now they’re ready to find a reputable treatment center in Philadelphia that can offer them life-saving resources like medical detox, therapy and other treatments so they can get better.
6. Recovery
This is where the alcoholic has done the impossible, which means quitting drinking. The alcoholic is able to live a life of sobriety and not have the addiction control them anymore. They are able to go about their daily routines and do things they never thought were possible.
Final Thoughts
Alcoholism is a serious problem that can have damaging effects on both the addict and their family. It’s important to remember that alcoholism isn’t always an easy thing to recover from, but it is possible if you follow these steps toward sobriety. If you or someone in your life needs help with alcohol addiction, please contact for more information about how we can connect you with alcohol treatment providers that care.