To build a house by a contractor or a home builder company รับสร้างบ้านโคราช should design the location, shape and direction of the building as well as the amount of space for various uses. from the sunlight to the fullest in terms of temperature, hygiene and mental

However, the heat from the sun may not always benefit you. This also depends on the climate and latitude of the location. In planning the design of the building, attention should be paid to balancing the benefits of winter sunlight. with the negative effects of the summer sun.

The orientation of the sun we see varies depending on the season and the latitude in which the building รับสร้างบ้านราชบุรี is located. The angle at which the sun (solar angle) makes an angle with the building. Information can be obtained from the Meteorological Department. Before calculating the solar heat and shade required for the building for further design.

Here are some suggestions for styles and directions for detached buildings suitable in different climatic conditions. We should consider this information in conjunction with our environment. and the need that may be different

Cool Region

Minimizing the surface of the building It will reduce the area that will be exposed to the cold.

ㆍ Try to absorb as much heat from the sun as possible.

ㆍTry to reduce the loss of thermal energy in various forms such as radiation, conduction, and evaporation.

ㆍ Make wind protection lines

Temperate Regions

lengthening the shape of the building in the east and west It will help increase the south wall and reduce the width of the building on the east and west. which is open to the touch to heat into the summer And open to the touch of cold into the winter more than the south wall.

ㆍ Maintain temperature balance by providing seasonal sun visors

ㆍ It should be ventilated in summer and have wind protection in winter.

Hot-Arid Regions

The building should have an open courtyard in the middle of the building for

ㆍ Reduce heat-conducting and heat-conducting materials and provide insulation.

ㆍ Use cooling method by evaporating water. such as planting Arrangement of a waterfall or pond

ㆍ Build awnings for windows and outdoor areas.

Hot-Humid Regions

The shape of the building is elongated in the east and west direction. will weaken the east and west walls which is the side that is exposed to heat

ㆍ Minimize heat-causing elements and provide insulation.

ㆍ Use the natural wind to your advantage. by bringing cold into the building

ㆍ Provide sunshades for windows and outdoor areas.

13. Design for using solar energy for heating (Passive Solar Design)

For buildings in cold areas It is imperative to design a building that is consistently warm. An architecture for the use of solar energy for heating is a method called Passive Solar, which uses the heat from the sun to warm indoor spaces to its advantage. Either by means of bringing, convection and radiation into the building. And there are materials that can retain heat to be a heat source. make the building warm

ㆍThe heat radiation from the sun to the earth The average global thermal energy consumption was calculated as 430 Btu/ft/hr (1,353 W/m²/hr), which is considered a constant average. This value is used to calculate the effect of solar energy on the building.

The system uses solar energy for heating. There are two basic principles that are important:

1. Installing glass or clear plastic facing south. or using clear plastic to collect solar energy

ㆍIn cold areas The area should be glazed about 30 to 50% of the floor area and 15 to 25% for warmer areas. This depends on the average outside temperature in winter. and heat loss that may occur

ㆍThe type of glass should have UV resistant properties that will deteriorate the quality of the material.

ㆍ Sometimes double glazing or insulation will help keep you warm during the night.

2. Heat storage Should be placed in a location that receives the most sunlight.

ㆍ Heat sources include concrete, brick, stone, tile, compacted soil, sand or other liquids. A volatile substance such as paraffin oil can also be used.

ㆍConcrete: 12″ to 18″ (305 to 455)

ㆍ Bricks: 10″ to 14″ (255 to 355)

ㆍBuilding soil: 8″ to 12″ (200 to 305)

ㆍWater: 6″ (150) or more

ㆍDarker surfaces absorb more heat than lighter colored surfaces.

ㆍ Ventilation louvers on movable type insulation and sun shields can help balance heat dissipation.