Two pages on the internet connect with the help of a hyperlink. This line directs viewers to a page, post, or another item on the web and allows them to move to that item easily. Search engines use the links, as well. The robots used to crawl pages follow these links to find new pages. However, the links must appear on a site if the search engine crawler is to find them. Link building ensures the hyperlinks appear on a site. 

What is Link Building?

Link building involves establishing a connection between two sites. These links alert search engines to quality resources on a topic, ones that are deserving of a citation. Sites with many reputable backlinks typically appear higher in the search engine results. However, this serves as only one benefit of building links. If you are planning to build links, what must you know? 

White Hat and Black Hat Links

Organic link-building tactics provide white hat links and improve a site’s visibility in the search engine results. However, they take time to build. Create white hat links through content promotion, website directories, guest postings, infographics, and more. Search engines rank sites with white hat links higher than those with black hat links. 

Black hat links come from a variety of sources, and search engines view the methods used to generate these links as unethical. Avoid hidden links, doorway pages, keyword stuffing, and anything considered malicious or spammy. The presence of these links leads to the page or website moving down in the search engine results. 

Finding Reputable Links

Search engines look for certain things when evaluating a link. They want to see relevant links, ones related to the website focus. For example, an HVAC website shouldn’t have information about where to get the best pizza. Links related to heating and cooling a home remain relevant. However, don’t limit the links to only HVAC topics. Share information about the general area or how to cool the home using other methods. Search engines consider those relevant because they relate to the topic generally. 

Link to trusted and authority websites. For instance, link to a local or regional news organization or one with a .GOV or .EDU domain. They come from government and educational agencies, so people view them favorably. In addition, when considering the reputation of a site, consider name familiarity. WebMD serves as a name most internet users know. The same doesn’t hold for a doctor selling a product that claims to cure all ailments. 

Choose diverse sites when building links. Search engines want to see natural links, which means links coming from a variety of places. This includes website directories, review sites, links from local organizations, and bloggers. 

The Benefits of Link Building

Link building offers many benefits. The links help to build the brand and establish authority. They direct traffic to the site while helping the site build a relationship with other individuals in the industry. Furthermore, link building improves the conversion rate of a page or site. 

Link building offers many benefits when done correctly. However, site owners must ensure they establish reputable links by using nofollow links and creating outstanding content that reputable sites want to link to. Furthermore, reviews serve as excellent links, so provide excellent products and customer service to create links that produce results. With time and effort, you build links that benefit your business. However, it all begins with the first link, so start today. The sooner you build these links, the sooner you will see results.