Laravel was launched in 2011 with various features to make the life of web application developers easy. Now 50% of PHP developers use this open-source PHP framework; according to the survey conducted by JetBrains in 2020. Initially, Symfony was the popular framework of PHP. However, Laravel surpassed its popularity.
The beautiful and complete syntax of Laravel makes it a favorite of several developers. It uses Mode-view-controller architecture for impeccable website creation. A Laravel development company always focuses on getting the most out of Laravel for the best software solutions. Choosing the best PHP framework can be challenging if you plan to make a website for your business.
Information in this blog can help you a lot. Because my team collected valuable information from different sources. I will make you aware of the future of Laravel and why you should choose it.
What Is Laravel?
Laravel is a free PHP framework for web development. It allows Model-View-Controller designs for the structure of the website. The most important thinking about Laravel is that it values beauty.
It makes the development process easy for the developers. You will be thrilled by its clean code. Moreover, the simple and elegant syntax help to build exquisite designs in a short time. These features indicate that Laravel is a product of thoughtful ideas and intense research.
Several big brands use Laravel for the development of their websites. It is because from designing to deploying Laravel offers various useful features. Database abstraction requires attention and effort. Laravel has made it easy with its Eloquent ORM.
Many other features of Laravel indicate it has a promising future in the coming years.
Promising Features of Laravel
It’s been a long since Laravel launched. But several developers learned its features effectively. And many upcoming developers look at Laravel for a bright future. So, you can find many talented Laravel developers in the best Software development company for your project. These developers know how to use all the features of Laravel effectively. Check out some vital features in the space below.
1. Effective ORM:
Laravel framework has an in-built ORM (Object-Relational-Mapper). It allows beautiful and simple active record implementation. It makes database processing easy and effective. You can find this model in the app directory and use it anywhere you want. You can also generate an eloquent model with a model command. Moreover, you can generate model classes to use better functions.
2. Artisan:
Artisan is a built-in command line tool. Through this, you can handle the repetitive tasks and manage the database migration as well. You can reduce the redundancy in the code with this feature. It is helpful for developers to create custom commands when they are working on a project. Besides Artisan, Laravel provides Blade. It is an in-built template engine that helps developers in dynamic content seeding.
3. Intact Security:
PHP uses the “Bycrpt Hashing Algorithm” for secure data generation. In the same way, Laravel also offers such a feature. It doesn’t store passwords in plain text instead it stores passwords in the folder in the hashed and salted hashes. Moreover, detailed information on your website can be vulnerable if any wrong person knows it. But Laravel offers features through which you can check which part of the website is harmful or vulnerable.
4. Authentication:
Creating an authentication feature with Larvel is not a difficult process. So, you can create a full-fledged authentication module for your website. The in-built browser authentication services are run by Auth and Session facades. It verifies the user’s credentials for secure access. You get cookie-based authentication features in this framework.
5. MVC Architecture:
MVC (Model View Controller) is a software architecture pattern. It simplifies the code by separating domain, application, and business logic, from the rest of the UI. Management of fundamental behavior and data of the application is possible with MVC architecture. Even it notifies the developers of event-driven systems for smooth and quick web development.
6. Innovative Template Engine:
Laravel is known for its in-built lightweight templates. You can create beautiful layouts with these templates for your website. This framework has many widgets to integrate the CSS and JS code. The templates of Laravel have been designed in a way that you can easily use them with less effort. Echoing data is one of the important templates that most developer use in web creation.
7. Schema Builder:
Schema builder in Laravel is used to manage databases. You can use the agnostic way of manipulating tables. It supports all the databases that work well with Laravel. Moreover, you get the unified API all across all the systems in the web building process. Developers will not have to create all the tables manually because schema builder has made it easy in Laravel.
8. Unique Unit Testing:
In Laravel, you can use two ways to test your app; Unit testing and feature testing. Laravel offers many creative PHP features. With these features, you can test class models and controllers. There are two test sub-directories available in the Laravel environment. Developers can test web applications effectively with an organized and sorted testing system.
So, these were some of the crucial features of Laravel that make the development process easy and breezy. You can use many other features as per your project needs.
Security Features by Laravel for Your Website
Security has become a priority in the present time and it will be more important in the coming years. So, businesses choose frameworks that can provide robust security features.
Laravel renders great performance to web apps. It has a huge community that provides solutions whenever you get stuck while coding for your project.
But along with performance and assistance by the professionals, it focuses on keeping the software solutions safe. For this, the maintenance team looks after it and tries to keep it as safe as it can. Since Laravel allows clean and organized codes, it is easy to build security features for the app. Here is the list of security features of Laravel.
1. Protection Against XSS:
A lack of XSS can make Laravel solutions vulnerable. Because of the Native support by Laravel, you can protect programs from XSS attacks.
2. SQL Injection:
Eloquent ORM and PDO building save your app code from SQL Injections. It is crucial for security so that no client can change the SQL code.
3. Laravel Authentication system:
Laravel enables a robust authentication process for the security of the app. It uses “Providers” and “Guards” to enable the authentication process for the users.
4. Cross-site Requet Forgery:
The framework uses CSRF tokens. It helps the app from an external third party to generate fake requests.
There are many other security features provided by Laravel which is why it has an excellent future ahead.
Many companies use Laravel and they are successful too. But just because others use it, you should not. First check what makes Laravel the best framework, is it the right choice for your app or not? Read the features I have mentioned and decide whether it would be the right framework for your project or not. The security features of Laravel make it more demanding. So, don’t miss out on them while reading the post.