No office is completely relying on paperwork nowadays rather rely on software solutions and computer systems. The number of software users in the office has been increasing since the last 10 years when the IT era prevailed. Not everyone is pro at using software therefore, every office hires help resources for their IT support. Everyday people face tons of problems while using software and to avoid any lag in work time these problems must be solved on time. These issues can be of any type; from basic to complex and from a user point of view to built-in functions.

Now the question is; what is the best way to support software users in your office? Every organization launches help desks at various levels to support its software users in the best way. The launch of the Tier 1 help desk initially depends upon the maturity of the IT infrastructure implemented in the organization.

How do help desks work for software users?

As we all know the best support a software user can get is in the form of answers against his queries. These queries can be answered and resolved by having the IT support desk help at your office. Do you not face issues? I cannot log in to my account. I need to change my information or login details. My card is being declined, and so on. These all issues are listened to and resolved by service level help desks that resolve basic to technical level issues. But how does the help desk work for software users?

Ø  It solves software issues at hand

Ø  Help desk on any level basically focuses on the processes

Ø  They cater to change management queries

Ø  Track the issues and evaluate problem spheres

Ø  Become a liaison between issue and solution

Ø  Address the basic and daily concerns arising on a daily basis.

Tier 1 help Desk

Tier 1 help desk provides a very basic level of user support as they listen and understand the queries first. Useful tips and process-based solutions are provided by them against any issue and if the issue is still there they just categorically raise a ticket for it. This ticket helps the tier 2 support system to comprehend the knowledge base and core issue.

Tier 2 help Desk

Having the troubleshooting capabilities individuals at this tier are no less than technical engineers. Equipped with all technical skills this tier is skilled in resolving technical level issues if tier one is no more capable of handling that. If they do not have enough capacity or understanding to solve that issue then the issue is passed on to the tier 3 help desk.

Tier 3 help Desk

Most of the time Tier 3 help desk are individuals with incredible intellectual and smartness. They tend to be developers most of the time and they gather requirements from the previous 2 tiers and help create a practical solution to any technical software issue.


A service desk is a wholesome terminology used for service-based teams catering to all the internal and external users’ needs on IT upfront. While the help desk is a part of the service desk but dedicated to internal office software users. To support office-based software users, the help desk needs to be strengthened. In comparatively smaller organizations 1-2 persons are the main dedicated resources and they provide instant help being the representatives of the help desk


So far we have understood that having a dedicated resource or team under the name of IT desk help is the best way to support office software users. Below are the best practices that can be implemented with the help of the IT support team and help desk to take care of users in the office.

Hire the best IT desk help resources

To support your office based software users, organizations hire the best resources that can help them in multifold. In the first place dedicated help desk personnel reduce the lag time by solving technical issues on time. Secondly, these individuals provide support to any issue before getting it bigger. Hiring the best resource means cutting the extra maintenance cost and saving functional time as well.

Provide the convenience to end-users

Help desks are Tier 1, tier 2, or tier 3 are trained staff that provide manageably on time convenience to end-users. For example, if the software user is unable to log in, the tier 1 help desk will instruct him to follow the procedure accurately. For the end-users, they work as saviors because they have pre-planned manuals of responses that save time and cost at both ends.

Choose between on-site or remote desk help

Choosing between an on-site (in-house) or a remote desk help team is entirely an organizational decision but one can focus on the options. If you are a comparatively smaller company with few software users and those are not complex software then hiring 1-2 resources is enough. If you are an organization having complex software business solutions then having a whole dedicated team is a feasible option too. Outsourcing your entire help desk to a reliable company can save your cost of maintenance and upkeep of help desk resources and infrastructure.

Use feature-rich tools implemented

If you have planned to hire help desk representatives in the house then you must be implementing feature rich tools too. These tools either communicate or technically help software users. Preplanned manuals, enriched collaborative systems, users’ dashboards, 24/7 availability, remote support, and maintenance are a few basic tools to have for your help desk.

Get the right consultation before launching your help desk

Before implementing a help desk or help center in your office, get the right consultation from IT service providing companies. They can assist you not only in implementation but also in maintenance and staff training too.