We all want to know how much an interior designer can earn in India. There are many factors that influence the average salary for a professional with this occupation.
The article will discuss those factors and provide you with information about what the average yearly salary is, as well as what you should expect if you’re just starting out.
How to become an interior designer in India
To become an interior designer in India, you could enroll at a design school or university and get your degree. After completing formal education, it’s important that you put time into gaining experience by working with other designers to build up on your skillset before striking out on your own.
You can also find opportunities for hands-on work through internships or apprenticeships if they are available near where you live. Finally, start building up personal projects such as designing spaces for friends and family members so that you have built experiences to show potential employers when applying for jobs.
What is the average interior designer salary in India
The average interior designer salary in India varies depending on the region and industry. The highest paying regions are Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune while the lowest-paying areas include Hyderabad and Chennai.
For example, a typical fee for an interior designer is 8825 US dollars per year which translates to around 52050 INR (Indian Rupees) annually or 17000 INR monthly according to Indian currency exchange rates of October 16th 2018 with USD at 67.55 INR (exchange rate from Google).
A fixed hourly rate starts at 18 USD but this can go up significantly if you’re working on residential projects such as apartments or villas that require more work hours than commercial ones during weekends or after office hours when furniture delivery time slots may be delayed.
A day-in-the-life of an Indian Interior Designer
The average Indian interior designer salary is $600 per month. The pay for designers in India varies depending on the size of their company and location.
For instance, a freelance designer living in Mumbai can make up to $1200 per week while an employee working for a large firm will earn less than that amount.
There are also different salaries available based on experience level with more experienced professionals earning as much as 70% more compared to recent graduates (designers who have been out of school for five years or less).
Job prospects and challenges for a career as an Indian Interior Designer
India is an interesting place for interior designers. A typical Indian designer will work in the residential sector, designing and decorating homes with kitchens, bathrooms, living areas such as drawing rooms or bedrooms. India’s growing economy means that there are more high-income people who can afford to hire a professional designer for their home renovations (or new building construction).
But it isn’t all good news. There are still relatively few opportunities available due rigid governmental rules on imports of foreign products into India and difficulties sourcing quality materials locally too – so this profession has limited growth potential at present.
On top of this, design professionals usually need to speak English fluently which limits job prospects even further – especially when you consider how many Indians only speak Hindi or other regional languages.
The most common design trends seen by the Indian Interior Designers
Designers are using the same color schemes, but with different materials to create a variation in design. For example: neutrals with metal accents, or greens and browns combined with wood-grain finishes. The common theme is that designers seem to be drawn towards natural elements such as stone or plants when decorating their spaces.
There’s also an increased use of “pop art” – putting something colorful on one wall for contrast against other walls that may have less color. Another trend seen by Indian Interior Designers was geometric patterns made out of wallpaper, which can provide a fun pop of pattern without committing to major changes like flooring or furniture styling.
The average interior designer salary in India is approximately $18,000 per annum. This equates to about Rs 12 lakhs a year. However, the range of salaries for designers can vary hugely and it all depends on their experience level and location.
For example, an experienced London-based designer could earn up to £50k ($75K) whereas someone with less than one year’s work experience might only be able to find employment at around half this amount.
The same goes for other major cities including New York City where more experienced senior designers can expect upwards of $100K while junior or entry-level ones will likely make between $40-$65K (approximately Rs 30 – 50 lakhs).
How to become an Interior Designer
Internships are a great way to get experience and so intern as much as you can. Reach out to friends of family members who might know someone hiring for an internship in your area, or post on social media about looking for one.
You don’t have to be from the same town as the company you’re applying for – if they’ve had good experiences with interns before then chances are that will also happen with you!
Pursue any education opportunities that interest you. This could include courses at community colleges, taking online undergraduate classes or going back to school later in life (it’s never too late!) There is no set amount of time required after graduation either: many people choose not to attend college straight out of high school and pursue a career as an Interior Designer.