Enrollment for the 2022-2023 academic years at PPDB SMK South Sumatra ended on May 18, 2022. The digital PPDB system by the government aims at ensuring that a fair, impartial, transparent and responsible PPDB procedure is in place.

PPDB online aims also to ensure that different classes of society have easy access to higher educational services, particularly in Indonesia. Learn all you need about at Ppdbsumsel.com.


The PPDB SMA welcomes prospective students in many different ways.

South Sumatra Province only offers the usual route for students who want to apply to Vocational High School. The South Sumatra Province PPDB provides instructions for enrollment online in the PPDB.

Vocational High Schools require two steps to register digitally. But, for other schools, only one step is required and the school can then be registered offline.

What are the registration dates for ?

The enrollment will take effect on June 20,-22, 2022. While the new SMK begins on June 20,-30, 2022.

SMA Phase I is available online from 8.00-16.00 WITA. Validation from June 20-22 at 08.00-20.00WITA. Released on July 7, 2022 @ 08.00 WITA. After hearing the results, prospective students should enroll again July 6th, 2022 at 09.00-14.00 WITA.

You can access the virtual Vocational Higher School Phase I from 08.00 to 16.00 WITA on the 28th or 30th of June.

The verification of Ppdbsumsel.com takes place the same day at 08.00 to 20.00 WIB.

The registration process to enroll in Phase II Vocational schools will resume on July 6th, 2022 from 08.00-16.00 Wita, with confirmation at 8.00-20.00 Wita, declaration at 08.00WITA July 8th, 2022, and re-enrollment from 09.00-14.00 WIta July 11-13, 2020.

Offline enrollment for SMA/SMK is open from June 30th to July 13th 2022, between 08.00 and 16.00 WIB. The declaration will take place on July 14th 2022 at 8.00 WIB. Reregistration will take place from July 15th to 16, 2022.

How can I register?

Ayub Samam says that prospective students can only register for one Skill Competency, one Vocational School and one Vocational High Schools using the Ppdbsumsel.comOnline method. SMA cannot accept learners who have already enrolled with SMK.

The registration process is below for PPDB SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan.

  1. Students interested to study in South Sumatra should visit the PPDB SMAN South Sumatra website.
  2. Register on the page to create an account.
  3. You can log in to the portal profile by using your email address or password.
  4. Please complete and submit the online registration.
  5. Attach a document that contains a resume type.


NTT will soon be accepting student applications for the High Schools (SMA). This year marks the start of the Ppdbsumsel.com Schooling Year 2022/2023.