Septic systems serve as on-site wastewater treatment systems. They handle household waste quickly and efficiently. However, the system must be maintained. What can a homeowner do to preserve the health of their septic system?

Minimize Water Usage

One of the most important things when it comes to maintaining a healthy septic system is to conserve water. If large quantities of water enter the septic system in a short period, the pre-treatment process won’t be effective. Untreated solids will move through the system too quickly. 

To prevent this from happening, never leave the water running when brushing teeth, shaving, or washing. Try to avoid using large volumes of water in a short period, and fix any leaky fixtures in the home. If the home has older toilets, replace them with modern 1.6-gallon toilets. These are only a few of many ways to conserve water and protect the septic system. 

Know the Location of the Septic Tank and Drain Field

The septic tank and drain field are buried underground. However, this does not mean they are safe from harm. A person should never drive over the septic system or drain field because doing so could damage them. 

In addition, avoid planting trees and shrubs in the vicinity of the septic tank or drain field. As the tree or shrub grows, the roots branch out. They could cause major problems if they make their way into the tank or the drain field. A person often doesn’t know this is happening until the system backs up into the home, leading to major issues. 

Only Flush Biodegradable Items

Items that are not biodegradable shouldn’t go into the septic system, yet many people put them in the toilet or down the drain. Cat litter, diapers, and cigarettes are three culprits that can clog a septic system. Avoid putting chemicals in the system, such as paints, solvents, and chemical drain cleaners. 

However, there are many other things that can do harm to this system without a person realizing they are causing harm. A person should never put cooking oils or grease into the septic system by washing them down a drain. Even bathroom cleaners, antibacterial soaps, and bleach can harm the system. 

Know the Capacity of the Septic System

Septic tanks come in different sizes. A person must ensure they don’t overload the system. If multiple families share one system, this may lead to the system being overloaded, which can cause it to fail.

Governments are very strict when it comes to repairing these systems today. If a municipal sewer source is available, the homeowner might find they are required to hook up to it rather than repairing or replacing an existing septic system. 

Maintain the System

Septic systems must be pumped every few years to keep them in good working order. Most systems can be pumped every three to five years. However, high water usage will lead to this task being needed more frequently. 

Work with a licensed septic system contractor to have the tank pumped. They will inspect the tank and system to ensure both are in good working order. Keep a record of when this task is completed. 

If gurgling noises are heard in a bathroom in the home, call a septic system professional immediately. If a problem is caught early, it is easier to correct. In addition, quick action reduces the risk of needing a new system or being required to hook up to a municipal sewer provider. Call for a septic tank inspection to ensure the unit is in good working order and ready to handle any load.