Complexes about the “wrong” nose can settle in childhood, when the guys in the yard are offensively teased, and classmates fall in love with a person with a more attractive nose. If there is just a minor change required, you can try nose thread lift to improve the appearance of your nose. As a rule, dissatisfaction with his appearance pursues a person even in adulthood, and then he decides to go for rhinoplasty in order to correct the “oversight of nature” with the help of a surgeon.

I must say that the correction of the shape of the nose is considered the most difficult of plastic surgery. This is due to the anatomical structure of the nose, the need to take into account its respiratory and olfactory functions and, of course, with the jewelry of the work itself. In America, rhinoplasty is called nose job, thereby making it stand out among all other plastic surgeries. Specialists dealing with the nose must have very high qualifications. And at the same time, good aesthetic taste – the success of the operation depends on these two conditions.

Nose correction surgery has two directions. Rhinoplasty is the correction of the shape of the nose from an aesthetic point of view. nose job in turkey is an operation in which, in addition to correcting the shape of the nose. Procedures are performed to correct the function of the nose.


Our nose has the function of breathing, humidifying the air, purifying it and delivering it to the lungs. Therefore, the change in the shape of the nose must be made in such a way that in no case does it disrupt its function. And this requires a great professionalism of the doctor and his thorough knowledge of anatomy. The difficulty lies in the fact that in a very small area (the nose zone) there is a whole complex of cartilages, different in their structure, methods of attachment, connections with muscles. Cartilage has ligaments between each other and is attached to the bone structure. In addition, you need to take into account the skin and mucous membrane. Due to the complex anatomical architecture of the nose, not all plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty.


  1. It is better not to do surgery for plastic surgery until 16 (until the nose is finally formed) and after 60 years (the elasticity of the skin deteriorates, the recovery processes are quite difficult).
  2. 2-3 weeks before rhinoplasty, it is necessary to reduce smoking (and it is better to quit). Because tobacco increases the likelihood of tissue swelling and negatively affects the healing process. You should also stop taking blood-thinning medications (for example, aspirin).
  3. The nasal swabs are usually removed a day or two after surgery. After another 5-7 days, the stitches and the fixing bandage are removed. At this point, the nose looks 70-80% the way it will eventually be.
  4. After removing the pressure bandage, the nose may slightly swell and increase in size. But gradually the swelling disappears, although for another two months the nose looks somewhat swollen.
  5. After 14 days after the operation, the patient returns to his usual life. For some time there are restrictions on physical activity, weight lifting, baths and solariums.
  6. The final shape of the nose can be judged after at least six months. And in some cases, up to a year.


Myth 1. You can never foresee in advance what shape the nose will be as a result of the operation.

If a plastic surgeon considers himself a creator and artist, in whose hands a nose is a lump of clay, this is a disaster for his patients. The operation is clearly technological and routine. In order not to become a hostage of this myth. It is important to talk to the doctor about all the nuances before the operation.

First, the patient must clearly articulate his request, what kind of nose he wants. The doctor must answer to what extent he can satisfy this request. Sometimes this is not possible, that is, it will not be possible to make exactly the nose that the patient wants, based on the individual anatomical characteristics. Then the plastic surgeon has to propose alternative options. Simulate the “new” nose on a computer and show how it will look on the patient’s face.

Only after discussing and agreeing on all the details, the surgeon can proceed to the operation, having outlined for himself the points, which manipulations he will perform in accordance with the task. For example: narrow the nostrils, make the nasal bridge concave or even, reduce the tip of the nose. What should be the level of the columella and the angle of the nose, whether to smooth the nasal transition, etc. And he must carry out the operation, guided by a clear plan, and not under the influence of a muse. In this case, fractions of a millimeter can affect the final look.

Myth 2. We can order any nose for ourselves

Sometimes patients come with photographs of stars and ask them to make a nose like that of an idol. On the one hand, it helps the surgeon a lot. On the other hand, for example, if you want a nose like Angelina Jolie, your dream may not come true. If only because you have a different oval of the face and different proportions, and on your face, Angelina’s nose can look ugly. In this case, the plastic surgeon may even refuse the operation or offer options for which nose shape is right for you.

It often happens that patients ask the surgeon to make the shape of the nose at their discretion. You should not trust someone else’s opinion in this matter, because it may not fundamentally coincide with yours. Therefore, before the operation, it is necessary to agree on all the smallest details of the upcoming changes. This is not an absolute guarantee that the nose will end up like this. A positive result is considered if the task is completed by 70-80%.

Myth 3. The nose can fall off

The nose is a fairly well-supplied area, and if there are no systemic diseases. The patient is thoroughly examined before the operation, then unpleasant surprises are excluded.

Complications are possible after rhinoplasty. The nose can turn out to be crooked, asymmetric, not of the shape that you wanted, the functions of the nose can be impaired. The more experienced the surgeon. The more detailed all the nuances before the operation are discussed and the more thoroughly the patient is examined. The less the likelihood of possible complications.


  • It makes no difference whether to have rhinoplasty in winter, summer or any other time of the year. This operation has no seasonality. However, in a warm period, it is easier to avoid such misfortunes as a runny nose, viral infections, which can complicate the process of postoperative recovery.
  • Almost the same is the case with age restrictions. Plastic surgery is contraindicated only for very young patients (up to ~ 15-18 years old), those whose nose has not yet fully formed. After all, during the period of further growth, it can undergo significant changes. And then the work of the surgeon will go down the drain.
  • Despite the fact that within a few weeks after the operation. You can return to a full life (including sports), the nose will take its final shape only after 10-12 months.