Have you ever played Pokemon Legends Arceus? As of today you should be informed about the evolution of different items. Since its launch players from Canada, the United StatesCanada as well as in the United Kingdom, and Australia are seeking out a tutorial to the evolution of various Pokemon.

Additionally, the game has become famous due to the variety of evolution stones that are suitable to create a variety of Pokemon. We will also talk about how to use the Leaf Stone Legends Arceus how to obtain it and how to use it.

What’s Pokemon Legends Arceus?

It’s an action-role-playing video game series featuring Pokemon that is available for Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch OLED and Nintendo Switch Lite. This game will provide you with an amazing adventure as you explore the Hisui region along with your favouritePokemon companion.

Additionally, in this game, there are also newly identified Pokemon added. In addition, Nintendo Switch has added several accessories to the Pokémon Franchise.

If we are talking about Leaf Stone It was part of the Pokemon series since the very first generation. It was also seen as part of the Legend Arceus.

Pokemon which uses Leaf Stone Legends Arceus to evolve:

Pokemon that use Leaf Stone for evolution are Eevee and HisuianVoltorb. After exposure to Leaf Stone evolution, these Pokemon transformed in to Leafeon as well as Hisuian Electrode in turn.

Although Leafeon is a grass-type Pokémon, Hisuian Electrode is an electronic Pokemon and is a grass type. Leafeon’s form and structure Leafeon has a similar structure to that of a plant.

However, keep in mind that you don’t have to utilize Leaf Stone to change from Eevee in to Leafeon. This is due to the fact that this Stone is scarce.

We therefore suggest alternatives for evolution. This alternative approach doesn’t use Leaf Stone Legends Arceus to transform Eevee into an Leafeon. However, it does so by taking them to a new area. It’s Mossy Rock located in the Heartwood of Obsidian Fieldlands.

In order to change, you have to bring Eevee to the area, and then the evolution will occur. This will help ensure that you can save Leaf Stone for the development of the other Pokemon that we’ve talked about here.

How can I obtain Leaf Stone?

Like the name suggests, Leaf Stone is a distinctive Stone with a leaf pattern. The easiest method to bring it is to go to an Item Exchange Post in the Pokemon Legend Arceus game located in Jubilife Village.

When you are there, you will be able to buy Leaf Stone Legends Arceus to exchange Merit Points. However, for every purchase, you need to pay 1000 MP. You are able to gain Merit Points by locating and relocating satchels left behind in Hisui’s zones.

Alternately, players can obtain Leaf Stone in the Legends Arceus game either by going to Space-time Distortion or completing the “Which is the real Burmy” request 73.


Leaf Stone is used for the purpose of evolution and we’ve given you the location where it can be found.