Perhaps you have been betrayed by the person you closely worked by or with somebody who seemed genuine? Then you may know precisely how humiliating and stressful it is to maintain such a situation.
If you observe, you will find that humans have an innate tendency to trust. We tend to trust our family, friends, as well as the colleagues we’ve worked with for some years. It just comes naturally to most people.
But blindly trusting people includes a price. Therefore, we bring you the information of this a case in thePhilippines. Thus, let us see what Joel Cruz Scam is and that which was the course of this case.
Around Joel Cruz
He finished his graduation in 1986 in psychology but chose to venture out into the fragrance market.
Joel was motivated and inspired by his own parents, who were into business themselves. Together with his firm Aficionado Germany Perfume, he left his name at the Philippinesbut abandoned his mark in the international industry.
What’s the Scam?
To be exact and as per the resources, the Joel Cruz Scam began when Joel Santos Cruz’The Lord of Scents’ decided to connect with another company person from Brunei, Kathlyn Dupaya, called”Kathy,” for business purposes. The association between both started to sour when Dupaya didn’t cover Cruz the amount she owed.
According to the sources, Dupaya began to deceive Cruz by sending fake and forged deposit slips and transfer receipts through online trade. However, when confirmed by Cruz, they discovered the promises of Dupaya’s online transactions to be lies.
The scam by Dupaya began on December 5th of 2017 and continued until Cruz decided to take legal action against her by submitting a swindling situation on May 24th, 2018. Together with Joel Cruz Scam out in the open several other people that Dupaya has duped came out.
The End of the Case
As per the sources, together with the case lasting a while and several attempts at settlements, the legal system depended on the scam by asking Dupaya to compensate for the harm and stress she caused by paying what she owed to Cruz with interest. According to Cruz, she owed him approx. P40 million (In pesos).
She mentions that she’s trying to get financing and pay her debts to him if they agree on reasonable terms for interest. Let’s place our closing thoughts on Joel Cruz Scam.
Closing Thoughts
This scam is a couple of years old scam. But it is sad to note that the case wasn’t the end to the scams that people must face in a business.
The very fact that Cruz wasn’t the primary person to be duped by Dupaya proceeds to show that such acts do not stop. The situation might be a lesson and a warning to everybody out there have to know about traps.