Bees, hornets, wasps and many other stingers are scary little insects. However, their importance for the environment means we just cannot even attempt to get rid of them.
Some places more than others are particularly vulnerable to stinging insect attacks on humans.
Some of these can be quite serious health threats, especially when disturbed. To identify stinging insect nests is quite important.
If you are to go by numbers, more than 500,000 people are sent to hospital emergencies every year by stingers. It is important to know exactly what species you are dealing with for quick response.
If you know what kind of stinging insect nests you are dealing with, precautionary measures become easier. If you can identify insect nests correctly, it becomes easier to call local pest control services for removal.
Here is some important information that can help many stay safe:
Yellowjacket Stinging Insect Nests Identification
Yellowjackets, as most of us know, can be found anywhere humans are. There are also many different sub-species of yellowjackets as well. These are social insects that live in large colonies with up to 4,000 workers. Most active in late summer and early autumn, yellowjackets pack quite a stinging punch.
These stinging insect nests are easily distinguishable though. With a paper carbon-like appearance, yellowjacket nests are made from chewed cellulose. You can find yellowjacket nests both above and below ground too. When aboveground, these will typically be constructed under eaves or in attics.
Underground yellowjacket nests will typically have a very small entrance hole. Yellowjackets typically wander around hundreds of feet away from their nests. So, there is no guarantee you are close to a nest if you see one flying around buzzing you.
Paper Wasps Stinging Insect Nests Identification
Paper wasps are known to build nests that look like paper. That’s what gives them their name of course. When disturbed or threatened, paper wasps will attack and sting. These stinging fliers pack quite the blow when it comes to stinging power. Many different allergies and reactions can also occur.
Where they will sting, skin becomes red and swollen. You will often find their paper-like nests in residential places. They would be hanging from ceilings, tree branches, deck floor joints and other similar places. Umbrella shaped paper wasp nests will have open cells where these insects will lay eggs.
For these stinging insect nests identifications, look for very light nests with cellular entry points. They live in small groups and hence their nests will not be gigantic. These are most commonly seen during the springtime as most nectar-eating insects do. These will usually be brown in color.
Bald Faced Hornets’ Nest Identification
Distinguishably, the bald-faced hornets have black colour with a mostly white face. These are most active during the day and live in up to 400 strong colonies. These bald-faced hornets also build paper nests that will be at least three to four feet off the ground.
You will find bald faced hornet nests in overhangs, shrubs, trees and sheds. These will be up to 14 inches in diameter with a length of around 24 inches. Unlike paper wasps and yellowjackets, bald faced hornet’s aerial nests will be enclosed. Stinging nest identification for hornets is actually quite easy.
You will see bald faced hornets roaming around mostly during later summer. These are territorial aggressive insects and will attack anyone or anything invading their space. These can also sting repeatedly with their smooth stingers. Itch, swell and a lot of pain comes from their stings.
Mud Daubers and Their Nest Identification
Stinging insect nests are not always elevated from the ground. There are some kinds of wasps that build their nests from mud. Black-and-yellow mud daubers and open pipe mud daubers are found everywhere in the US and Canada. Get a visit from your pest control Vancouver service providers if any suspicions.
But there can be more than one mud dauber nest in any given space. Their mud made nests are typically in short or long mud tube shapes that are built side by side. Their nests will typically be in sheltered less visited places of homes or buildings. Attics, porches, garages and basements are perfect nesting places.
However, these solitary insects are not aggressive like yellowjackets and hornets. They rarely attack or sting. But these will sting when provoked. And, most of them have quite the sting too. Look for these stinging insect nests in short or long mud tubes that are built alongside each other.
Stinging Insect Nests Identification for Africanized Honey Bees
Also called the “killer bees”, these are some of the most dangerous stinging insects. They can chase you down for more than a quarter mile. That’s more than most people can run. These are slightly smaller that European honey bees but are nearly impossible to distinguish from them.
Africanized honey bees live in small colonies; hence, their nests will almost always be in unique prime locations. These are not particularly hiding and can show themselves to anyone or anything. Their nests will be smaller to other bees in size and will have dark brown color.
Nests for Africanized honey bees can be found inside tires, tree limbs, crates, utility poles and yes mailboxes. Think of them next time you put your hand in a mailbox blindly. They tend to attach in great numbers. Call your pest control Surrey service providers or any local ones if you ever find a nest.