Some landlords are usually occupied with some other businesses or are even employees and usually have little to no time to manage the spaces that they rent out. Truth be told, there are always a few bad tenants that could cause severe damages to your house due to ignorance of what exactly is necessary to properly maintain the space they are renting or just sheer negligence. If you are too busy to monitor things regularly, you may find yourself doing a lot of refurbishment when you need to admit someone else. Let us see measures you can adopt to manage your rented-out space if you are very busy.

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Getting help from a resident manager

This is one option that is almost always available to take the burden of worries over your lack of time to manage your property away. A resident manager is an assistant or general manager who resides at the rental property he or she is supposed to manage. They have knowledge of legal requirements for a property and would have taken some real estate courses too. They can help you determine rent price, prepare vacant spaces, advertise them, screen and approve tenants, enforce lease agreements, listen to tenants’ complaints, and carry out property management and repairs.

Employing the services of property management companies

Many busy landlords are always on the lookout for ways to ensure that their rented-out spaces are properly managed and one of the biggest decisions to make is hiring a property management company such as MDsquared Property Group. Getting help from a resident manager is good but if you need more help, property management companies are the real deal. They do not come cheap though, but you will have to do detailed research online to know which one of them will do a great job for you and not set you back a lot in terms of payment for their services.

Management companies deal directly with the tenants, saving you time that you do not have as a landlord and worries over managing your property. They help handle rent collection, maintenance, repair issues, tend to tenants’ complaints, and pursue evictions.

Build a good rapport with your tenants

This sounds like a brilliant idea if you look at it critically. You are very busy and you do not want to hire a property manager. How else can you achieve maintaining your property when you are not there? Well, you can get your tenants to help you manage it with the way you relate with them. Building a strong landlord-tenant relationship can go a long way towards ensuring that your property is treated with care. When they move in, let them know exactly what your expectations are. Tell them you are available to help them with anything they would need during their stay. You can send them good wishes on their birthdays, celebrate religious holidays with them, and even call them sometimes to ask if they are enjoying the spaces they rented. When the tenants feel love from you to them, they will want to reciprocate the kind gesture and help you maintain your property.

Do seasonal inspection

This doesn’t seem like much but it sure helps if you are not willing to go all out for a property management company. A seasonal inspection shouldn’t take much of your time. It will help protect your property from preventable damages due to weather, wear, and tenant damage. So, it will require a valiant effort from you in this regard. You can do this twice a year. You will have to change some of the installations from time to time, but that’s sometimes needed. Mold and mildew are common problems in the home due to the presence of moisture, which comes from air ducts. That’s why you might need to change the HVAC supplies and install new ones.

Do professional yearly cleaning

This is another option you can adopt to keep your property in good shape even with your busy schedule. You can hire a professional cleaning company to take care of your rented-out spaces. Once you give the news of getting prepared for a cleaner’s arrival to the tenants, it will definitely swing them to action to keep their apartments clean and properly maintained. During the yearly cleaning, you can use the opportunity to do all maintenance and repairs. The fees for this can be included in the rent of the tenants.

Final word

Being busy as a landlord these days is no longer a concern as there are now many options to manage your rented-out space in your absence. A good management company can bring its know-how and experience to managing your property. So many other options abound that can give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your property is in good hands. You can make your choice today out of the options in this write-up.