We all know the saying “growing pains” but some may understand the meaning a little bit deeper. If you have experienced caring for a parent who has struggled with getting older, you probably have an emotional understanding of the spectrum of growing pains. Sometimes the subject may be a sore one. There are some things you may want to try if you have not already to help your loved ones if they are needing memory care. Memory care refers to caring for someone who has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The main symptom of this devastating disease is memory loss. Here is a list of what you can do to help with memory care. 

Create Positive Interactions Often

A symptom of dementia is called “sundowners.” In the late afternoon, those with dementia will become increasingly confused which can cause aggressive and angry behavior. It is difficult to take care of someone you love when they become aggressive at you for unknown reasons. Your initial reaction might be to be aggressive back, and it may become difficult to remain calm, however the most helpful thing you can do is to be as positive and happy as possible. They will take comfort in your positive demeanor. 

When a parent or loved one develops dementia, it is common for their children to develop a strained relationship with them towards the end of their lives because of the constant irritability that comes with dementia. To avoid this, try to create as many positive interactions as you can, as often as you can. A person with dementia can live up to 10 years as their condition progresses, so it is important to not take the angryness personally, and to remember that it is part of their disease.

Interact With Simple Answerable Questions 

To help their memory, try to ask questions about their life that you already know the answers to. Start out with simple questions that you know they will be able to answer. The more often you can jog their memory, the better it will be for their brain to make these connections. Some people find it difficult to have small talk with the same conversation so often, but this will be important for them, and help your relationship to keep them talking and recalling as much as they can. Try not to make it seem like they are being quizzed or questioned, but make sure they feel comfortable like they are just having a simple conversation. 

Distract and Redirect 

When conversations cause your loved one to become frustrated because they cannot remember something, try not to engage in their frustration, but instead distract them quickly with something different and redirect their attention to something new. Show them what you are making for dinner or whatever is on TV. Distraction will be a great tool in making sure they are not becoming increasingly more upset that they cannot remember. 

Do Not Take Anything Personally

When someone is going through the beginning stages of dementia, it may be hard to remember that your loved one is not behaving as their normal self usually would. They will lose their “filter” so to speak and say whatever comes to their mind, and often it may seem incredibly rude. Try to not take these comments, or the new behavior personally. It may be very difficult at first, but give yourself and your loved one grace. You will both be entering a new phase of life- you caring for your loved one who is in the last stage of their life. It can be hard to come to terms with, so let the harsh comments slide off your back. 

Brigham City Memory Care

Towards the later stages of dementia, you may reach a point where you cannot care for your parents all by yourself. If you are needing help, you have a few options. You could get an In-home caregiver, or you could find a full time memory care facility. Brigham City memory care is a great place to start with excellent caregivers.