1. Aiming to get eight hours of sleep

This can seem like an obvious thing, but it is important to get enough sleep every night because it is going to help in maintaining your energy levels. The body needs sleep
because it gets the chance of restoring and repairing tissue from the previous day. Adults are not getting enough sleep a night. You should try your best to get at least eight hours of sleep every night.
Teenagers need to get eight hours of sleep and children between nine and 12 hours of sleep. If you are finding it hard to get fall asleep, then consider taking a warm bath before going to bed so that your body relaxes. Read these Purple mattress reviews and consider upgrading.
Studies have shown that blue light emitted by screens like laptops and phones reduces melatonin levels. This hormone is responsible for sleep, and this is why blue light can make it harder for you to sleep. If you suffer from common sleep conditions like sleep apnea and snoring, visit a sleep and snoring clinic so you can get help.
2. Keeping hydrated
You should begin your day with a glass of water. After you have slept for eight hours, your body will have gone for a long time without water. When someone wakes up dehydrated, they tend to feel tired.
If you find yourself having a hard time drinking cold water, consider drinking a warm glass of water and a slice of lemon. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day so you can avoid losing energy in the afternoon and mid-morning.
3. Cutting caffeine
Taking a cup of tea or coffee in the morning can seem like a good way to start the day, but they can end up making you feel tired. Caffeine can dehydrate you because it is a diuretic, and this makes you feel tired when its effects start wearing off.
You should instead drink herbal teas because most of them don’t have caffeine and can be a good alternative to tea and coffee.
4. Eating breakfast
Breakfast is the main dinner of the day. This is the meal to kickstart your metabolism and it provides you with fuel to get you through the morning.
There was a study done that showed that many people preferred eating cereal, porridge, and toast over a full breakfast. You should be careful with your breakfast because the last thing you want is to have too much sugar.
Too much sugar is not good for your body because it causes the energy levels to spike then fall. You should choose slow-release carbohydrates like whole grains and protein sources like eggs, nuts, yogurt, and seeds.
5. Increasing your iron intake
Iron is important for the body because it helps in making red blood cells, which transport oxygen in the body. Low iron levels have been linked to tiredness, so you should make sure you have the recommended levels – 14.8mg for women and 8.7mg for men.
Nuts, red meat, beans, green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and dried fruit are rich in iron. You should eat these foods because they are going to help in maintaining a well-balanced diet and beat fatigue.
6. Lowering alcohol intake

After taking an alcoholic drink, you usually feel tired and it is going to have long-lasting impacts. While you might drift off more easily after a bottle of beer or glass of wine in the evening, the sleep is not going to be deep or rejuvenating.
This is why you wake up feeling tired. You should observe the limit, which is 14 units a week. This is the same as six pints of beer or eight small glasses of wine. You should also drink a lot of water when consuming alcohol to avoid dehydration. You will wake the next morning feeling fresh.
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