You’re probably not going to get a job the day you graduate, so don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’ll start working as an EMT within a week or two, no matter how talented you might be. The process can be challenging, to say the least. You make the transition from paying for something valuable (EMT courses) to being paid for something valuable. If you put enough effort into the job search, you’re bound to succeed. Maybe you won’t buy a mansion or a Mercedes, but you’ll make more than enough to make ends meet.

If You’re a Certified EMT, The Chances of Getting a Job Are Higher

There are many reasons why someone might want to become an emergency medical technician. You can medically help people in dynamic medical situations, build a career to advance in, and acquire solid life skills. It might not be super easy to get a job as an EMT, but the chances of securing employment are definitely higher as compared to other specializations. In many places, there’s an urgent demand for health professionals that offer emergency medical services. So, if you’ve earned the EMT certification, you don’t have too much to worry about.

In emergency medicals services, certification is of the essence because it guarantees people have the right knowledge and skills to work in the field. The certification process teaches you about providing basic life support, pre-hospital care for injuries and illnesses, and how to work in an ambulance. Most EMTs work full-time due to the nature of the work, but shifts are available. The job market is steadily growing across the U.S., so there’s something to look forward to. To be eligible for a job, you must have completed the state-approved EMT course in the past two years.

Ace The National Registry Cognitive Exam & State-Approve Psychomotor Exam

The National Registry has two examination formats for the cognitive examination:

  • Computer Adaptive Tests
  • Linear Examinations

You can apply through the NREMT. If you want to obtain a National EMS Certification as an Advanced EMT, you’ll take the linear examination. If you don’t already have an account, don’t waste any more time and create one. The name that appears on the application should be the same as the one that appears on your driver’s license. When the application process is finalized and you’ve been verified, you’ll receive a link to print your ATT letter. The ATT is valid for 90 days. If it expires, you need to submit a new application.

Throughout your career as an emergency medical technician, you must demonstrate competence in patient assessment, managing trauma, spinal immobilization, traction splinting, bleeding control, and mouth-to-mouth ventilation, just to name a few. The psychomotor exam checks your hands-on abilities and knowledge. Start your search for an examination site by reaching out to your course instructor. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that some states only accept examinations administered locally.

Get In Good Shape

To be an effective emergency medical technician, you need to possess a wide range of skills. Examples are problem-solving skills, compassion, listening skills, communication skills, and situational awareness. It’s essential to put your skills to the test. Practice maximizes the impact of your training. Maybe you won’t become perfect at what you do, but if practice all the time, you’ll certainly get better at it. It doesn’t matter if you aspire to be pretty good or an expert. You need to practice. Intellectual understanding isn’t enough.

As you prepare for interviews, you’ll want to exhibit your strength to interviewers. Consider volunteering during your free time. You can help others and prepare for your future career. It’s a win-win situation. As you can imagine, volunteers don’t get paid. But don’t lose hope because volunteers have a higher likelihood to get a job. You see, volunteering is a good place for professional networking. If you’re patient and willing to put in the effort, you can turn your volunteering position into salaried employment.

Check Around for Opportunities and Apply to The One Most Suitable to You

You know what you’re capable of. Now, all that’s left to do is to explore existing opportunities. Be clear about the kind of work you want to do. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 means you know exactly what you want to do. You can become a surgical technologist, contract medic, or emergency room technician, just to name a few. If you live in a big city, you’re fortunate because there are several opportunities available. Look around and find the one most suitable to you. Your first job may not be your dream job. Don’t be afraid to accept a position if it can lead to greater things.

Before you accept an offer, take some time to think things through. Do some detective work and know everything there is to know about the employer. What are the organization’s values, reputation, working environment, management style? Equally important is to think about how the job will affect your long-term career prospects. Don’t accept anything on impulse. If you make the same mistake again, your resume will be filled with short-lived jobs. Besides the salary and benefits, consider advancement opportunities.

Your Instructor Is Your Best Advisor and Most Important Reference

Finally yet importantly, if you have trouble writing a resume or putting together a letter of interest, reach out to your instructor. They will help you in any way they can. Not only is it okay to ask for help, but also it’s an important part of the learning process. There’s no need to include a reference on your resume, but the future employer will be interested in learning more about you. Your instructor can serve as a reference, meaning that they can be consulted during the hiring process. Plan ahead and talk to your instructor. Let them know that you might need their assistance. Your instructor will vouch for your qualifications for the job and recommend you for employment. A good student always makes a good employee.