These days, we do almost everything online, and that includes shopping. This is why there has never been a better time to get into e-commerce.

Ecommerce Web Design Ideas and Tips:

Nowadays, if you sell anything, be it sneakers, salad dressings, or something in between, you need to jump on the eCommerce website train. An ecommerce site in Ireland offers you the opportunity to build your brand, connect with more customers, and sell more products, but only if you have the right website design.

Galway Web Design Agency:

Developing e-commerce websites is critical. Good ecommerce web design is about using the right colors, fonts, images, words, and graphics to convince visitors to make a purchase. Your eCommerce website design should attract potential customers, provide a great user experience, and present your store in the best light.

So your site not only has to look good and feel branded, but it also has to drive your website visitors to take action and, you know… buy your products. But how, exactly, do you do that? How do you design the kind of e-commerce site that will make products fly off your virtual shelves? SEO Galway and web design agency Ireland are there to help you stand out.

8 outstanding ecommerce web design ideas

Here are the top 8 ecommerce web design ideas to help you take your store to the next level:

1. Keep Web Designing Simple:

One of the main rules to keep in mind during the eCommerce design process is “KISS.” Keep it simple, silly!

Simple ecommerce websites are always better. The more items you have on the page (Colors! Banners! ALL POP-UPS!), The more the whole point of the website will take away from you: closing a sale.

You don’t need a ton of bells and whistles on your ecommerce website, all they do is act as a distraction. So, ecommerce digital marketers and web developers in Clique Media Ireland recommend keeping your design clear, clean and simple, and keep the focus on the sale.

2. Make branding a priority

When it comes to shopping online, people want to buy from established brands, not faceless e-commerce sites that look like a facade to try to steal your credit card information.

If you want to build the trust you need to generate serious sales with your ecommerce business, you need to give your branding serious thought. Your brand is like the DNA of your e-commerce business; It’s about who you are as a business, what you’re all about, and how you’re different from your competitors, and it plays a huge role in building a connection with your audience and driving sales.

If you want to get the most out of your ecommerce design, take the time to define your brand and then infuse that brand into your Web design. If you’re not sure who you are as a brand, that’s fine! You’ll just want to do a little business examination of conscience before you start designing. Ask yourself questions like:

What makes my brand different from other ecommerce stores out there?

What do we do better than anyone else in the market?

Once you know who it is, you can brand it on your ecommerce site. And that brand? It will help build trust with your audience and generate significant sales in the process.

3. Think like a website visitor:

For a responsive ecommerce website, think like your audience. Ultimately, there are just a few things your potential customers want in an ecommerce experience: a site that is easy to navigate, is well designed, and makes the buying process easy, straightforward, and hassle-free.

And if you want your ecommerce store to be successful, you’d better give them those things.

During the web design process, put yourself in your visitor’s shoes. What type of layout will you find easier to navigate? How can you organize your products in a way that makes sense to the end user? How can you simplify the payment process?

When you think like your customer, you can anticipate what they want from your ecommerce store, and then design your site to meet those needs.

4. Use color to your advantage

Choosing the colors for your eCommerce site is more than just saying “Well, red is my favorite color, so… let’s make it all red!” Color is an extremely powerful tool, and if you understand the psychology behind color, you can use it to your advantage (and generate significant sales in the process).

Different colors can inspire different feelings, emotions and actions in people; So if you want your eCommerce site to convert, Web designers in Galway have to use those color inspirations to your advantage.

So, for example, if you want people to make a purchase, make the buy button stand out with a bright color like red. According to color psychology, red inspires feelings of excitement and passion, which are the driving factors for spending, and studies show that doing a red button can increase conversions by a whopping 34%.

Or, if you want to increase your credibility, incorporate blue into your web design. Not only is blue a universally loved color, but it has also been shown to increase feelings of confidence, making it a favorite in the business world (there’s a reason the color blue shows up in more than half of all logos).

5. Use high-quality images Optimized Images

Nobody is going to buy a product without being seen. If you want people to buy your products, you need to show them what they are buying using high-quality product images.

Getting professional images of all your products (and having your product images from multiple different angles) goes a long way toward building trust with your customers. If they feel confident that they know what they are buying, they are more likely to make a purchase. But if there are no images of the product they want to buy (or just a low-quality single image), they will be more reluctant to make the purchase, and as a result, their conversions will drop.

Do yourself a favor and have lots of high-quality images of what you sell on your ecommerce site. Your conversions will thank you.

6. Make your Content SEO and User Friendly

You can spend days putting together long product descriptions on your eCommerce site, but we have news for you, no one is going to read it.

Research shows that most website visitors only read about 20% of the text on a given web page. Instead of reading the content word for word, they simply scan the text for key information; So if you want to get your point across (and drive sales in the process), you need to make your content scannable.

Divide your content, whether it’s product descriptions, blog posts, or an “about us” page, in an easy-to-scan format. Keep sentences and paragraphs short, use bold to draw attention to key information, and use bulleted lists to divide large blocks of text.

7. Make Website look professional

The basis of an ecommerce site is that you are asking your website visitors to buy something from you. And, as a result, you are asking them to hand over confidential information, such as your credit card information. What you won’t be comfortable with if your website doesn’t look professional.

What do you understand by professionals? Your website must be free of typos or misspellings. The font, color palette, and footer layout should be consistent from page to page. All your product links and buttons should work. Your photos shouldn’t look like you took them on an old iPhone 5.

The point is, if you want your clients to take you seriously, you have to show them that you take yourself seriously, and the only way to do that is with a professional web design by Galway Web Design Agency, you can contact them at

8. Make the Web Load Fast

It’s official: mobile devices have overtaken desktops as the most popular way to surf the internet. .. And that includes shopping.

We’ll keep this brief: If you want to capture customers who want to buy on their phones or tablets, you need to make sure your website design is fully responsive and loads in no time. Otherwise, you may not convince those valued mobile visitors that your site is where they want to make a purchase. To design responsive and Technically SEO optimized websites, you need to take the assistance of web developers from an SEO Company like Cliqued Media.


Summing things up, designing an ecommerce website can be tricky, but now that you know the best ecommerce web design tips, you have everything you need to design a site that not only looks amazing, but goes crazy.

So, what are you waiting for? Use these tips to give your online store the review it deserves.