Marble and granite stone materials are widely used for constructing floors, countertops, and other purposes. They are available in a quarry and require cutting techniques with a high-quality machine for getting the desired shape and size. offers a wide range of diamond wire saw machines for stone-cutting projects. It provides ways to find a machine with cutting-edge technologies that give ways to perform stone cutting work efficiently. However, users may experience some common problems in the cutting process and they should know how to fix them during the operations.

What are the common problems of the Diamond wire saw machine?

1. The wire doesn’t start the cut

Sometimes, the wire doesn’t start immediately when it comes to cutting. cold saw The problem may occur due to the high tension of the wire or differences in wire diameter. Reducing forward speed and using threads that are not exceeding 0.2mm will help a lot to solve the issue.

2. Wire flattening

Wire flattening is another common problem that occurs in Diamond wire saw machines while cutting stone. Therefore, it is important to know the reasons for the problem that will help fix them as soon as possible. Excessive wire tension, low cooling, and an insufficient number of turns per meter are some factors that can lead to this issue. To solve this problem, users should increase the number of turns and increase cooling significantly.

3. Wire break

Wire break is one of the common problems while operating a diamond wire cutting machine. The problem mainly occurs due to the high tension of the wire, strong vibrations of the connection, and strong vibrations. The solution to the issue is checking the balance and wear of the pulleys properly which will help gain more advantages.

4. Bond displacement

The reasons for bond displacement in diamond wire stone cutting machines include limited or low cooling, high thread tension, sudden wire lock, etc. It is wise to increase the tension and cooling of a marble granite diamond wire saw machine to overcome them when cutting stone materials. Moreover, they make feasible methods to enhance the functions of a machine that will help obtain optimal results.

5. Connector area lose

The connector area should be free from lose connections during a machine operation. It occurs due to incorrect pressing, high tension of the wire, and very pronounced corners that will result in more problems. Before operating equipment, it is necessary to make sure that the machine comes with the right type of connector.

Where to buy the best diamond wire saw machine for stone cutting?

While buying a diamond wire saw machine, it is important to select a reputed marble granite cutter manufacturer in markets after doing complete research. The requirements may vary when cutting marble or granite stones in a quarry or mine. As different types of machines are available for stone-cutting projects, quarry owners should evaluate them with more attention before investing money. Not only that, it allows users to select a machine that comes with the best features which help ensure high performance.