You’ve probably heard of the “latch” before when referring to breastfeeding. A latching infant is one who has a good latch, which refers to the way the baby connects with the nipple and areola during breastfeeding. A bad latch is one in which the baby isn’t able to secure the nipple and areola well in their mouth so that they can start suckling. 

If you think your baby has a bad latch, there are different ways to correct it. It could be as easy as switching from one side to another. There are also other techniques you can try that will make things easier for both of you. In this article, we will provide you with detailed information on how to get your baby a good latch when breastfeeding so that it becomes an enjoyable experience again for both of you.

Why is a Good Latch so Important?

A good latch is important for a few reasons. First, a proper latch will help your baby to get enough milk. A good latch will allow the baby to extract the maximum amount of milk from the breast by using a strong swallow. Babies who latch poorly can miss a lot of the milk that is available because they aren’t able to extract it correctly. 

A good latch can also help to prevent nipple pain, which is a common problem among breastfeeding moms. Nipple pain can be caused by a variety of factors, such as an improper latch and a baby who is not getting enough milk. When a baby latches poorly, he or she can cause you to experience more pain. Poor latching can also lead to a condition where the nipple starts to heal shut, called a breastfeeding granuloma.

How to Check for a Good Latch

To check for a good latch, first, make sure that you are breastfeeding on the breast that the baby is supposed to be on. If not, you can switch sides. Next, make sure that your baby has an open mouth. If she doesn’t, you can try to get her to open her mouth by putting your nipple near her gums and letting her suckle the milk. Once her mouth is open, you can put your finger in the corner of her mouth to see if you can feel the breast tissue. If it is impossible to feel the breast, then you need to adjust the latch. If you can feel the breast tissue, but your baby isn’t getting enough of it, then you need to correct latch breastfeeding.

Ways to Correct a Bad Latch

If you’ve checked for a good latch and found that your baby still isn’t getting a proper latch, there are several things you can try to help your little one get a proper latch. 

The first thing you can do is reposition your nipple in her mouth. If the nipple is not in the correct position, the baby won’t be able to get a good latch on it. If the nipple isn’t being sucked into the baby’s mouth, you can try looking at the latch to see if her gums are pressing against it. If they are, you need to reposition the nipple. 

You can also try switching sides. Babies don’t always like one breast more than the other, but if you try the other side, it may help the baby get a better latch. You can also try massaging your breast to get the flow of milk started. This will help the baby to get a proper latch by sucking the nipple more effectively.

3 Steps to Check for and Correct a Latching Issue

If you find that your baby is having a latching issue, you should correct the problem. Here are three steps that can help you to do this. First, you should make sure that you are positioning the baby properly. You should also make sure that your nipple is in the baby’s mouth correctly. Your nipple should be at the back of the baby’s mouth, with her lower lip over the top of it. If not, you can adjust your position or gently guide the baby’s mouth to the right place. 

Next, you should make sure that the baby is bringing your nipple far enough into her mouth to get a good latch. A good latch is when the baby’s upper lip is covering the areola, with the nipple in the upper back of the baby’s mouth.


A baby who is latching properly is one of the most precious sights in the world. It can be stressful for both you and your baby if you don’t get a good latch, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right techniques, you can get your baby to latch properly in no time. A good latch is important for a baby to get enough milk, prevent nipple pain, and protect your nipples from issues like breastfeeding granuloma. To make sure that your baby has a good latch, you should make sure that you are positioning the baby properly, making sure that the nipple is in the baby’s mouth correctly, and making sure that the baby is bringing your nipple far enough into her mouth to get a good latch.