If you spend a lot of your working day answering emails you might wish for an app that makes it easier. A recent survey found that people spend around 15.5 hours a week answering work emails. This is a lot of time and could potentially be spent undertaking other tasks.
While many people use messaging apps rather than email, messaging apps aren’t exactly the same. Yes, you can attach files, but there is a file sharing limit. For example, WhatsApp has a file sharing limit of just 64MB. If you have a file bigger than this, you’ll have to email it.
What’s The Solution?
The solution to making it easier to send and receive emails is to opt for the right email app. There are many different email apps around, so it can be hard to know which one is best. Don’t worry, we can help. Below, you will find tips that can help you to choose an app that’s right for you.
Look For More Effective Ways of Working
As we’ve already seen, we can spend 15.5 hours a week answering work emails. Additionally, we can spend about 24 minutes a day on messaging apps. Messaging apps are usually simple to use. However, it would be great if there was a way to combine emails and messages.
Spike is an email app that’s very simple to use but it’s the first in the world to let you send a voice message. Users can share a voice message from their email or even group chat when they please.
Voice messaging itself is not new. However, only 33% of voice messages are listened to. Ideally, everyone would listen to every voice message that’s sent. However, reaching voice messages that are left on your phone can be too complicated. This is where Spike can help. Voice messages can be sent and accessed very easily, and every team member can get the messages they need.
Look For Space
How much space do you need when sending emails? Gmail, for example, allows users to attach files of up to 20MB. If you don’t think 20MB is going to be enough, it’s worth shopping around. Many new email apps want to appeal to those who have to send large files. Other apps offer to compress files before they are sent.
Take your time to make sure that any email you choose lets you send some big attachments.
Undoing Send
An estimated 28% of people have regretted sending emails. Perhaps they did not like the tone or the language they used. Alternatively, the email may have contained more emojis than necessary. Whatever the case may be, being able to unsend an email can be a lifesaver.
Gmail offers a simple solution for those who wish to unsend an email. Users are simply presented with an unsend option after the email has been sent. Outlook has a recall option that can only be used in the Outlook app.
There is an app that will let users unsend an email they’ve sent from any type of email account. Spark works with Yahoo and a few other email providers and users can simply select “Undo” to delete the offending email.
Using Multiple Accounts
There are almost 4.26 billion email users in the world. Many of those users have 2 email accounts, some even have 3. If you use multiple email accounts while at work, look for an email app that combines them. When you can combine all of your accounts, it can make sorting through the emails much easier.
Apps such as Front, Hiver, and Mailbird all allow users to combine multiple accounts. This can potentially make sorting through work emails more of a breeze. With approximately 40% of office workers feeling stressed, a solution to email-related stress is needed. Using 1 email address as opposed to 2 or 3 can help to make everyone’s working life less stressful.
Look for Security And Privacy
Ideally, any email app that you choose to use will have top-quality security and privacy. Users should be able to use anti-spam technology if they wish and even encryption tools. Some email apps go a little further and offer two-factor authentication. This is something that can help to keep your private work emails away from prying eyes.
Approximately 122.23 billion spam messages are sent globally every day. No matter whether you use your email address for work or leisure, you’re likely to receive spam emails. Emails such as these can potentially be full of viruses so it’s important to stay away from them. Look for an email app that takes combating spam seriously. After all, the last thing you want when you’re stressed at work is to click on a spam/phishing email.
There are many email apps out there that could potentially help. However, the easier they make life at work, the more suitable they may be. Use the above tips to help you to find an email app that does everything you need and more. When you find an app, it may no longer take you 15.5 long hours a week to answer work emails.