When researching t shirt printing Singapore or tshirt printing Singapore, you may have one major question in your mind, possibly two. First, is this really an effective use of your money and an effective way to cultivate advertising, brand loyalty and so forth? Second, probably more pertinent, how are these shirts even created?
When addressing the first one, well, consider the fact that as human beings we are very sensory-driven creatures, and our visual cortex is the strongest of these influences. Our memories are based very much on both smell and eyesight before even things like hearing or touch. As a result, graphics and logos are extremely powerful brand identity tools, when you hear the term Pepsi, for example, you immediately picture their logo before even remembering the taste of the soda or what the brand actually is on an abstract level. Closing is also extremely prioritized when we observe a person, even if it isn’t the true first impression this person is making on us.
So, when you combine these altogether, it is extremely effective. Yes, people wearing a shirt with your brand or organization’s logo, they are being extremely effective walking billboards. Don’t worry, people wearing the shirts are aware that they are being billboards, this is all above board ethically, far more aboveboard ethically than any other form of advertising aside from modern passive digital advertising methods. Traditional commercials, junk mail and the like are just rude and don’t even work these days anyhow!
As far as how they are made, there are a few different ways, but we’re just going to focus on the most common approach, the one that can do the most complicated graphics. It just so happens that this is also the most cost-effective way, though it does have the disadvantage of being susceptible to fading over repeated washes and with lots of exposure to UV.
Essentially, your graphics are converted to a very large, high-resolution version, and then a special printer … prints … The graphic using a special type of dye rather than ink. It is worth noting that this graphic is usually printed in reverse, because it has to face down on the shirt. After this, the graphic is placed down as set a second ago, and then either an iron or a heat press is applied, causing the pigments to sublimate and stain the fabric.
If you have ever heard of silkscreening, this is the modern version of that, just replacing the screen itself with a piece of transfer paper and printed pigments instead. This is also the same technology behind iron on patches that people can apply to T-shirts at home using, amazingly enough, and iron.
If you are looking for Tshirt printing Singapore or t shirt printing Singapore, this is more likely than not going to be the type of manufacturing you are going to choose. There are also rubberized logos and embroidery, but they are more expensive and are more limiting as far as the types of graphics you can produce because the components have to be cut out a physical fabric or a special type of thermal rubber. They are also more intensive as far as labor.