The chance of survival of someone who has had a cardiac arrest increases when quick action is taken. That is why it’s important that as many people as possible know how to fete cardiac arrest and what to do when it happens. In this blog you can read how to fete a cardiac arrest and what you should do to help the person in question.

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest is the result of a lack of blood to the brain. It occurs when the heart’s pumping function stops. As a result, blood( and thus oxygen) no longer flows through the organs and muscles. The victim will suddenly lose knowledge( fainting) and will no longer have a palpable palpitation or twinkle. Although cardiac arrest happens suddenly, there are a number of hallmark signs that could antecede a cardiac arrest

  1.  briefness of breath
  2.  Dizziness or flightiness
  3.  casket or left arm pain
  4.  fatigue or weakness

Unforeseen and veritably rapid-fire heart pulsations(Further than 200 per nanosecond tendency to) faint.

Unfortunately, cardiac arrest can be to anyone, anyhow of age or health. When you notice that someone is in cardiac arrest, it’s essential to act as soon as possible. In such a case every nanosecond counts.

What to do?

Still, this person is unconscious, If the victim doesn’t respond to addressing and shaking. The first thing to do is always call the emergency number( 112). Put the phone on loudspeaker and follow the instructions of the central station driver. While this is going on, it’s important that someone get an AED or a Lifepad reanimatie if it’s near and available.

 1. CPR

Also check the victim’s breathing. When he’s breathing typically, you can start CPR. You’ll admit instructions for this from the control room driver. You always alternate 30 casket condensing with 2 mouth- to- mouth revitalizations. CPR is veritably ferocious for the deliverer body.However, alternate with another deliverer to continue CPR as roundly as possible, If possible.

2. AED/ Lifepad reanimatie

Still, use an AED( Automated External Defibrillator) or a Lifepad reanimatie, which is a casket contraction device that can be used by anyone, If the person isn’t breathing typically. With this you give the victim an electric shock to renew the heart. You alternate this with CPR. The device itself indicates whether a shock is necessary. It’s important to continue CPR until emergency services arrive. They will also take over CPR and the victim can be helped further.