Premature Ejaculation or PE is known by various names. Some of them are premature or rapid climax, early or rapid ejaculation, and many more. Of the various types of sexual dysfunctional issues, premature ejaculation is one of the most common issues. While the causes of PE are varied, the consequences are mainly mental distress experienced by men along with some physical discomfort.

Premature Ejaculation: A Brief Understanding

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental, Disorders PE is defined as “A persistent or recurrent pattern of ejaculation occurring during partnered sexual activity within approximately 1 minute following vaginal penetration and before the person wishes it…” However, one situation, where the male is not able to control their ejaculation is not considered PE.

An individual is diagnosed with PE only when the inability to hold the ejaculation persists for more than 6 months. The cut-off time limit for PE mentioned in ICD-10 is typically fifteen seconds from the point of starting the sexual intercourse. Some other studies have extended the limit to about a minute a well. It must be noted that the time for PE differs from individual to individual.

Probable causes for PE

There is no definite cause for PE. Some studies have speculated various causes. However, there have been no definite proofs to claim the correct cause. Some of the common and interesting causes assumed are:

  • Quick masturbation in teenage years to keep away from being caught
  • Psychological problems like performance anxiety, stress, etc.
  • Passive-aggressive or less involvement in sexual intercourse

Some physiological causes have also been presupposed for PE:

  • Genetic history in the family
  • Inhibited serotonin receptors
  • Increased sensitivity in the penile and pelvic regions
  • Atypicalities in neural conductivity

Apart from physiological and psychological causes, some other causes are also listed by studies and researches such as diseases like prostatitis, side effects of medicines, etc.

Approach to treat PE

The treatment of PE in current times is varied. The effective treatment is divided into various categories like:

  • Medications: Various medications are available in the market to treat PE. They work based on the increased serotonin response. The most common drugs in this category are dapoxetine or paroxetine, commercially called Priligy.
  • Psychoanalysis: There are various psychological theories involved in determining the cause and treatment of PE. Freudian theories suggest psychoanalysis as a probable treatment for PE.
  • Self-Treatment: Individually some try the tactics of diverting their attention away from the process, slow thrusts, masturbating before sexual intercourse, etc.
  • Sex therapies: Various therapies are developed by sex counselors to help with PE. Some of them are Kegel Exercises, Squeeze Technique, Stop-Start Technique, etc.
  • Surgical interventions: Even though surgical treatments like glans penis augmentation with hyaluronan-gel and SDN (selective dorsal neurectomy) are present to combat PE, the International Society of Sexual Medicine is yet to endorse these two processes as effective for PE treatment.

It is evident that PE should not be taken lightly and must be treated with ample care and attention under the supervision of a registered medical practitioner or doctor only.