General practice is an important part of the Australian health system, providing comprehensive primary care to individuals, families and communities. General practice training in Australia is conducted through a range of education pathways and provides a range of experiences and qualifications for GPs.

General Practice Training Pathways

In Australia, there are a number of different pathways to become a GP. The two main pathways are the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program and the Vocational Training Pathway (VTP). Both pathways provide medical practitioners with the necessary skills and qualifications to become a GP. 

The AGPT Program is a three-year full-time program for medical practitioners who have completed the undergraduate medical degree. This program is recognized by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). It involves training in general practice and other areas such as family medicine, paediatrics, mental health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

The VTP is a two-year program that is available to medical practitioners who have completed a minimum of two years of medical practice in a hospital or community setting. This program is also recognized by the RACGP and ACRRM and provides training in general practice and other areas such as family medicine, mental health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Rural General Practice Training

Rural general practice training is available for medical practitioners who wish to practice in rural or remote areas. This program is administered by the Australian Government Department of Health and is designed to provide training in rural medical practice. The program is tailored to meet the particular needs of rural and remote communities and provides a range of experiences and qualifications for GPs.

The Rural General Practice Training Program includes a range of experiences such as rural hospital placements, rural practice placements and rural academic placements. The program also provides an opportunity for medical practitioners to gain experience in a range of clinical settings, including Aboriginal health and remote and rural health.

General Practice Education in Australia

General practice education in Australia is provided through a range of universities and other providers. The RACGP and ACRRM provide a range of educational programs, including the Fellowship of the RACGP and the Fellowship of the ACRRM. These programs provide medical practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills to become a GP. 

The Australian Government also provides a range of educational programs and initiatives to support general practice education. These include the Australian General Practice Training Program, the Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Program and the Rural Health Workforce Australia initiative. 


General practice training in Australia is conducted through a range of pathways and provides a range of experiences and qualifications for GPs. The AGPT Program and the VTP are the two main pathways for medical practitioners to become a GP. Rural general practice training is provided through the Rural General Practice Training Program, and general practice education is provided through a range of universities and other providers. The Australian Government also provides a range of initiatives to support general practice education.