Are you looking for a site where you can purchase both bags and shoes together? We have found such a website. This website sells both bags and shoes. This website is also known as Ganebet Store. This website was searched recently by the United States.

Many fake websites are now masquerading as traditional websites. You need to be cautious with these websites and know how to tell the difference between genuine and fake.

Today we’ll show you how to tell the difference between a genuine and fake website. You might consider these Ganebet Shop Reviews legitimacy factors when judging a site’s validity.

Ganebet Store

Ganebet Store sells sneakers and bags online. They offer branded shoes and bags. Their website mentions that they work with some of the most respected craftsmen in the world. Their Ganebet Store also makes soft leather handbags. Their website addresses seem suspicious.

We will now check their specifications. These specifications should be carefully read.

Specifications to Judging Are Ganebet Stores Legit?

  • Domain age- This website was created in 2021/07/08. It is therefore less than one year old.
  • Website Link-
  • Products Available- Branded shoes and bags
  • Modes of Payment –Visa and MasterCard
  • Standard Shipping Time: 10-20 Days in the USA
  • Email Address- [email protected]
  • Address for Business: 226 Foxboro Rd., Saginaw (MI 48638), United States. You can also find the fulfillment address.
  • Contact Number – not available.
  • Social Media Platform- no social media presence.
  • Return Policy and Refund Policy – You must request to return products within three days. A refund will be issued within seven days.
  • Exchange Policy – exchange within three days
  • Newsletter –not Given

We will now show you the benefits and drawbacks of shopping on this site. This will allow you to decide if it is right for you.

Benefits of Ganebet Store

  • This website is protected with HTTPS protocol.
  • It is a good sign that the domain-based email ID is present.
  • There are many payment options.

The Disadvantages Of Ganebet Store

  • Since the creation of this website, it has been less than a year.
  • The domain owner is not known.
  • The physical address is fake.
  • No social media platform.
  • It has a very short life expectancy.
  • There are no customer reviews.
  • Below average trust score
  • Portal names and URL names do not always match.

Is Ganebet Store a Legit Or a Scam

Next, we’ll provide the parameters that will show if this website can be called a legitimate website. Keep calm and continue reading.

  • Website Creation Time – The website was launched on 2021/07/08.
  • Website Expiry date The website will expire in 2022/07/08 with less than six months remaining.
  • Social Media Presence – There are no social media accounts.
  • Customer Reviews – There are no reviews on this site.
  • Trust Score – This trust score is only 5% lower than the average, and therefore very low.
  • Trust Ranking– Trust rank is just 42.6%, which is also below the average.
  • Alexa rank – No results for Alexa ranking.
  • Information for the Owner – The domain owner is unknown.
  • Policies– These policies are correct.
  • Address Authenticity – This address is not authentic.
  • Discount Availablee- No Discounts

Customer Reviews

According to our research, there were no Ganebet Store reviews for this website. Although this website has been around for less than a year, it is still quite old. It should have reviews, but there are none. This website does not have a social media platform. This website does not have any of the positive attributes that make a legitimate website.

Ganebet Store Review: If you have any questions, please leave them below.

Wrapping It All

This website does not have any reviews. This website is therefore a dubious and questionable website.