Who is the owner of Frank Speech? Frank Speech is a sensation. These may not be all the queries you need to be answered.
Do you have the correct answer? Do you still have questions? Then stop searching and get started with this exclusive news about “Frank Speech .comIt is the hottest thing in townUnited StatesThe headline of the news
Frank Speech Website Basic Overview:
Frank speech website is a platform of The Voice of Free Speech’. It is managed solely by Mr. Mike Lindell (My Pillow) who is known for his brand.CanadaAs a former US President Supporter, I am also able to support the whole USA.
The platform has featured prominently in news outlets across the globe, following some announcements made by Mike Lindell. Let’s get to the bottom of things and learn more.
The News about Frank Speech.com
Leading news sources say that news coverage has increased following the claim by Mike Lindell that he was the victim in cyberattack. Accordingly, the Cyber Symposium event was postponed.
According to reports, Lindell has been attacked for using the technology that he will use in South Dakota. In his speech, he also said that the people should shout the fact that the thing is blocked. He also said that it was the worst cover-up in history.
Frankspeech.com cyber symposium– Information about the event
According to leading news reports the reason was revealed. The event was meant to reveal his discredited 2020 US Election conspiracy theory. He stated that Mr. Donald Trump had stolen the 2020 US presidential election.
Sources revealed that the Cyber Symposium was to be held on 10 August 2021. It would then stream live on FrankSpeech.com for 72 hours. Mike was reported as offering a huge discount on his ‘My Pillows’ products in promotion of the event.
Lindell stated that evidence will be provided to prove that the election was rigged by China’s hacking of the system. This is in the Frank Speech com Cyber Symposium.
He has also said that the evidence would cause the court to overturn the unanimous verdict.
Final thoughts:
We have provided all relevant facts. This is not all.News about frankspeech Reports indicate that it is not known if the Frank Speech platform was the target. The Cyber Symposium rescheduled and hacking has been confirmed. You want to find out more about Frank Speech .com Related facts about this matter? Please indicate below.