Fortnite Solid Gold Tournament: Fortnite is a famous online survival video game, released on January 25, 2015 around the world, very popular in the US and UK. There are often many events and tournaments taking place in epic games.

The Solid Gold Tournament is a Fortnite in-game event that was released on February 7, 2021. The Official LTM Tournament will govern each rule for each Fortnite event. In order to play the game, the player must accept certain rules and regulations. Curious about the details, check out the article below.

Fortnite Solid Gold tournament schedule

The solid gold tournament, popular in the gaming world, is scheduled for February 7, 2021. Epic Games has the right to decide on any matter relating to game schedule change, cancellation or any modification.

If such changes change, Epic will announce it on its official website. This tournament is the most anticipated Fortnite event in the US and UK.

Acceptance of the Soli Gold tournament

• Epic Games govern all LTM tournament rules and regulations in Chapter 2 Season 5.

• These rules have been created to ensure that the match runs smoothly and without undesirable behavior.

• A player wishing to participate in the Fortnite Solid Gold tournament must agree to the terms and conditions, and for underage players, guardians or parents, read the rules.

• Epic may take further action in the event of any violation of the law.

• Epic Games may cancel, amend, reschedule and update tournament changes.

• Each player must comply with the Fortnite End User License Agreement.

Tournament format

Each event lasted about three hours. As per the Epic Games rules and regulations, qualifying players can participate in a maximum of ten matches per session. Points will be awarded to the player on the basis of the scoring table below.

How is score calculated for a Fortnite Solid Gold tournament?

There is a set of standard scoring designed by the epic game on which players will earn points; the list is written below for your knowledge, please refer to:

• Victory Battle Royale: 20 points total

• 2: 16 points

• 3rd place: 13 points

• 4: 10 points

• Fifth: 9 points

• 6th to 10th place: 8 points

• 11th to 15th: 7 points

• 16-20: 6 points

• 21st to 25th: 5 points

• 26th to 30th place: 4 points

• 31st to 40th place: 3 points

• 41st to 50th place: 2 points

• From 51 to 75: 1 point

• One point for each elimination.

Final verdict

The Fortnite Solid Gold tournament was scheduled for January 7, 2021, which caused a buzz among Fortnite users. A session lasts three hours and you can attend a maximum of ten sessions per event. There are specific terms and conditions that you need to read before starting the game, so check out the guide for details.

Do you know anything about the tournament? Share it with us in the comments section below.