Dressage is a popular and elegant form of English riding. It requires immense control and discipline on the parts of both the rider and the horse. The dressage saddle pads look beautiful and provide the maximum level of comfort to the horse. It will directly enhance your performance and also ensure your safety as a rider. There are many companies manufacturing these saddle pads, you have to consider a few factors while choosing the best saddle pads. 

What Is A Dressage Saddle?

The dressage saddle pads are a part of the dressage saddle. These are quite different from the traditional English saddles as the designs give the rider a better-centralized balance, which is inevitable for dressage riding. These have 

  • distinctly long and unclipped flaps
  • drop girth
  • length billet straps

The above design elements contribute to the ample space for free shoulder movements. For special design, it is mandatory to use a pad that complements the dressage riding. This is all just a suggestion. You can look up the internet to see what else is available for your horse.

Styling Of The Pads

The dressage saddle pads promise to enhance the performance of the equestrians. The characteristic features include

  • Thinner texture than the traditional saddle pads, which allows maximum contact and also maximizes the leg length of the rider.
  • Square shaped or rectangular shaped to match the long and straight cut flap of the dressage saddle. 

Tips For Finding The Right Saddle Pads

To protect the horse and the saddle, proper fitting is vital. The comfort to the back of your horse is equally important as your matter of comfort. Comfort for your horse extends to the type of saddle pad material you choose. Many standard saddle pads have thick materials that don’t effectively absorb sweat and moisture. If your horse tends to sweat a lot, opting for a gel saddle pad is a smart move. These pads offer substantial relief from excessive heat and sweat during your rides. The innovative reiter gel technology enables rapid dissipation of extra heat through specialized channel holes. You can review gel saddle pads by LeMieux for more options. Consider several criteria while choosing the right pad. It is better to take some time and figure out the best dressage saddle pads that will suit your horse and the rider. Follow the below mentioned points to get better results:

  1. Matching The Contours:

You have to notice the contour of the horse’s back and the contour of the lower surface of the saddle. These two numbers are vital to buy the saddle pad as it should not exert undue pressure on the spine or withers of the horse. Try to get the pads comprising of materials to complement the mutton-withered or high-withered horses specifically. 

  1. Choose The Right Style:

There are three basic styles of dressage saddle pads: 

  1. Shaped
  2. Square
  3. Half pads

The shaped pads will be better for hunter and jumper shows. The eventers are common with customization for individual colours. Half pads are for use in all disciplines. You can use it in conjunction or individually with the shaped or square pad.

  1. Right size

You should match the right type of pad with the saddle. The dressage saddle pads usually have a straighter cut and can accommodate the longer flaps. It also has a forward cut that shortens the length. The manufacturers make the pad, keeping in mind the various styles of the saddles. All-purpose pads belong somewhat in the middle category, where there are variations in the dimensions. Saddle pads for young horses are also available and complement the saddles measuring below 16 inches. 

Nevertheless, all the above-mentioned points will guide you while making your deal. To check the right size, you need to ensure that the pad extends slightly beyond the edge of the saddle but not beyond the last rib of your horse. The ultimate motto of buying saddle pads is to improve the saddle fit. The saddle fits the horse perfectly. Also, it can help to ride the horses with uneven development using the saddle pads with contour customizations.