Do you want to know more the details official website credibility? If so, this article is ideal for you. Take your time and read the article thoroughly before coming up with a precise conclusion.

If you’re searching for the most reliable online platform to purchase small items at a reasonable cost then is the top option that is suitable for United States people. This isn’t just for U.S. citizens. U.S individuals from different countries can avail the similar. It is important to read reviews from real customers prior to making a purchase on this website, particularly for those who are new purchaser.

In this post we will go over the major elements that assist you in determining if Official Website is safe to buy from or not. Let us get the facts!

What is

Yiwugou is among the top online shopping portals that sells all commodities of a small size. It was established in 2012, and has been committed to offering exclusively traditional market products around the world. The primary purpose of this site is to improve the method of procuring.

At present, it has more than 500000 suppliers who receive 500,000 visits each day. In addition it has a 100percent of its customers from overseas and has 5 million registered purchases. On the website we discovered a variety of items in various categories, including ornaments, apparel and footwear, protective items toys and homeware, sports, outdoor, and more. The official websiteis one of the top online market. It sounds great to shop at this site.


  • Type of Website- E-commerce store
  • Website URL-
  • E-mail- [email protected]
  • Contact number: +86-579-81530000
  • Social media – Facebook


  • A safe shopping experience
  • Website speed is lightning fast
  • There are a wide range of goods in different categories
  • An affordable platform for everyone


  • The website’s data is hidden
  • The owner’s information is not disclosed
  • Alexa rating is very low.
  • This website can be described as an iframe which is frequently used to incorporate information on the site that is from a different website. Official Website Reviews

When you visit its official website It appears to be legitimate as it offers a variety of genres that are that are available. They have also given the information of their various platforms in countries such as that of the United States and more. Additionally, they have shared information on their partners. But however, when we inspected the site from a technical point of view we were not impressed.

The website uses Iframe, a low Alexa rank, and inadequate information of the owner puts this website in the category of suspicious. The truth is that the website appears perfect, however most websites utilize an iframe in order to improve their ranking. Furthermore, Official website The official website of En.yiwugou.comhosting server indicates in the country where patents pose a significant danger since the country is notorious for corruption and making fraudulent transactions by collaborating with individuals.

Read reviews right here for reviewsto make the right choice.

Final Words

We have done our homework, but we cannot say that the website is 100% authentic or is a fraud. The site comes with positives and negatives. Even though the estimated revenue is $1.74M less than the Alexa rank of 6950 we recommend our customers to conduct a thorough research prior to purchasing through the website .

Have you ever purchased something on the The Official Site? Let us know about your experiences.