Are you interested in knowing how to fix that easy Anti Cheat Untrusted System File Apex error? Read the article and learn the simplest method to get access to the game.

Are you having difficulty taking part in EPIC games? Do your windows display an error when installing Apex Legends? If yes, we’re here to give you the information about the simple anti-cheat tool for you.

We all know of the fact that Apex Legends can be described as a war game in which all players fight for fame and fortune. This is the reason why players from Japan, the United States and Japanlove to play it.

However, it has been noted by the easy Anti Cheat Untrusted System File Apex error can make it difficult to access the game.

What is an easy way to stop cheating?

It is a program created for security and is mostly used with games that are epic like Apex Legends. It can help stop cheating and hacking within PC games by making application of its hybrid system. The goal of the simple anti-cheat is to cut down on hacking attempts to ensure gamers are able to access the needed files to install games.

Because it is non-invasive It is a trusted software worldwide. It lets you play your favorite games while maintaining security. With the ever-changing internet-based services of epic games simple anti-cheat manages top-quality games.

Apex Legends Untrusted System File — What’s the cause of the error?

When you install the program for using Apex Legends, an easy-to-cheat flashes the error of unsafe files. It mostly targets two files.

  • Windows system32 wininet.dll
  • Windows system32 pcapwsp.dll

That’s why people cannot play this game. While your computer might appear free of viruses, certain issues could result in an error with untrusted files when accessing the file.

The root of this error?

There are three reasons to the fact that the E asy Anti Cheat’s Untrusted System File Apex cannot be opened.

  • Your device is infected by malware or virus software.
  • The file you’re installing to your system could be damaged
  • The file isn’t new. It’s not up to date.

A file that is not trusted can be evidence that your system is damaged.

How can I resolve the error that is not trusted?

First, you need to detect the malware on your computer by using security software. The software will check for everything and includes malware.

  • If an error from corrupted files is discovered then it is corrected automatically via backup.
  • In the event that Simple Anti Cheat Untrustworthy System File Apex detects that your file has been modified You can upgrade to with the most recent version via Windows update.

How to upgrade windows

  • Go to the settings , and select the option to update and security.
  • If you click the button to check the latest updates and download the updates, the screen will display the list of software that requires to be updated.
  • Click the Install button to upgrade it.

By following these steps, users is able to update their device easily. Additionally, updating windows provides features that will benefit your computer as well.


The easy anti Cheat untrusted System file Apex issue is affecting apex stars wars as well as legends. Therefore, follow the instructions in this article to get rid of the error and play with pleasure.