Planning to make your custom embroidery digitized designs stand out from others? There are many tips, tricks, hacks, and dozen of blogs that will provide you guidance regarding this subject. It is not easy to task to read, listen to everything, and then implement the knowledge. There is no doubt that one should try their best to get better embroidery digitized designs.

Looking to get the best embroidery digitizing services from experts? You should get in touch with Absolute Digitizing to get satisfactory results. The professional team will look deep into your requirements. They will try their best to fulfill your needs so that valuable customers can be satisfied with the end results. In addition to this, you will get the services at an affordable rate with timely delivery.

Today, we will be looking at the minor details that can make the custom embroidery digitized designs attractive and great. These details are not time-consuming and you don’t have to invest much on them. Let’s get started:

Why Minor Details Matter a lot?

Before we move into the details, let’s understand why minor details are important? Majority of the people ignore the minor details while digitizing embroidery design but this can create big problems for them later on. If you are ignoring them, this is not a good practice because it takes little effort to fix the issues at the early stage. In addition to this, you also need to remember that these minor details will create a difference between you and your competitor.

For instance, adding salt more than the appropriate amount will spoil your meal. The salt is added in a very small amount but still, this gives taste to your meal. Similarly, if you are paying attention to the small detail during digitizing, then you can easily win the competition. But if you are ignoring them, then you should prepare yourself to welcome the problems later during the process. So, it will be better to keep track of minute details when working on custom embroidery digitized designs.

Furthermore, you need to ensure that design, fabric, and supplies are correct. You should analyze things like design placement, sequencing of threads, and more before starting the work. These might be small things but this will help you to get the best results. Furthermore, it is better to make these practices as a part of the routine so that you don’t have to face a problem later. You only need a few minutes to check these things and then you are good to go.

Without any doubt, the above practices will provide your smooth working experience and will save your time and cost along with the frustration due to mistakes. Now, we will be looking at the small details that have significant impact on the quality of your custom embroidery digitized design:

Trimming Embroidery Design

Creating, editing, digitizing, sewing it under embroidery machine is a complex job to do. More importantly, if you are missing anything, then fixing the problem can be a frustrating experience. For your information, trimming of custom embroidery digitized design should be done after stitching them. Some of the embroiderers think that it is not necessary but this little effort and extra time is worth it.

When doing the trimming, it is better to leave a space of half an inch away from the design. Trimming for light garments is more important and you need to evenly cut the stabilizer. Otherwise, the backing will appear through the garment. Furthermore, trimming threads in the closely packed area is also significant for an elegant look. Especially, clear fringing threads between the lettering. All you need is practice and little time to do the task.

Clearing the Topping

After you have finished the work for custom embroidery digitized design, you need to remove topping with care. Do this with care so that there are no marks behind. In a case of water-soluble topping, remove it as much as possible with your hands. After this, remove the leftover using a damp cloth. Remember that water should not be too hot. The hot water will absorb color and leave the color residue. More on, the cloth should be color-neutral.

For your information, some of the embroiderers spray water over the topping to remove it. If you are doing this, then this will leave marks on your fabric. Furthermore, if you want to stick with spraying water on a garment, then you should dry it before folding and packing it. This is important because your client doesn’t want to see the stains after unboxing the package. So don’t get lazy and don’t let negligence come in way of your business and customers during custom embroidery digitized design process.

Removal of Hoop Marks

The removal of hoop marks is not very difficult. One of the easy fixes is to use magic sizing. It is quick and easily available in every grocery store. You can apply it on areas that are affected by the hoop marks. The marks will disappear in the few seconds. Furthermore, drying is instant and this will not take more than a few minutes. This will be the point that will separate you from your competitors.


These small details are actually the quality control measures that you should keep in mind when working on custom embroidery digitized designs. Some may think that this is too much but this is not true. It is better to make a checklist of small things that you might forget. In this way, you will not forget about the things and you can perform them as a part of your daily routine.

If you want to reduce the risks for your custom embroidery digitized designs, then you should connect with Absolute Digitizing. The competent crew with ensure that the valuable customers are satisfied with the product quality. The professionals will provide you the designs at an affordable price range. The price starts at $1/1000 stitches.

For Superior Quality Digitizing, Contact Us To Request a Free Quote!