Are you interested in finding more details on this store Crushmetric store? Take a look at this review session.

On the internet, you’ll discover many new and innovative products. Today, we’ve decided to inform customers about the latest website called Crushmetric that provides newly designed pen models. If you are wondering what’s new about the pen, read these Crushmetric reviews to get the answers to your queries.

The site provides services to numerous areas of the world which includes those in the United States so you can look below to learn more about the authenticity of the site.

What exactly is Crushmetric?

Crushmetric is an online platform that recently created its multi-design pen business. The site sells an electronic pen that is able to be transformed into two different styles by opening the pen. Additionally, the pen is ballpoint and is able to effortlessly switch between solid and crushed. Additionally, the site sells a single item but it is also available in two distinct combinations like five packs and 10. The website seems to be a bit intriguing in terms of design.

The official website has listed the pen’s specifications and features to inform the users about the pen, however we aren’t able to decide whether Crushmetric is legitimate or a fake store.

Read on to find truthful answers.

Conditions and terms of Crushmetric

  • Website’s home page link-
  • Support service mail ID- unavailable
  • Products- Switch- Pen
  • Shipping costs- $5
  • Address of the company is not listed.
  • Contact number- no information
  • The delivery period will be revealed upon entering the zip code for the area.
  • Newsletter- mentioned
  • Social media links- available
  • Options for payment are not disclosed
  • Domain launch date- 23/08/2020
  • Return and exchange policies not discussed
  • Estimated time for refund – not available

It is recommended that you go through the buyers’ Crushmetric Reviews to better understand the product as well as the its after-sales service on the website.

What’s the good benefits of purchasing Crushmetric? Crushmetric?

  • The site has HTTPS secured.
  • The site sells its products at the most competitive prices.
  • It has also mentioned active social media hyperlinks on the website.
  • It has listed the product along with its features.
  • The website provides services all over all of the United States and numerous other countries.

What’s the downsides to purchase at Crushmetric?

  • The most pertinent information on the website is not available since the website hasn’t disclosed the email address, phone number, or address of the company.
  • There isn’t any feedback listed on the official website yet.
  • Customers aren’t satisfied by the product.

Is Crushmetric legitimate?

There are a lot of online stores on the web that specialize in one-line items, but we shouldn’t trust new stores to stay clear of fraud or scams. In addition, we have rounded the details of this site to demonstrate its credibility to the public, so let’s take a look at the tips below.

  • Domain launch date – the domain name must be at least six months old to pass the legitimacy test. In addition, the domain’s creation date was on the 23rd of August, 2020; therefore the site is qualified for one of the criteria.
  • Customer reviews- There are no customer Crushmetric Reviews published on the official site. There are reviews through external websites.
  • Links to social media sites- Instagram, Twitter, and Ticktock links are identified.
  • Domain expiration date: The domain name will expire at 23:08 on August 23, 2022.
  • Trust score – the site has achieved 60% of the score.
  • Alexa rank – the detected rank is 2674088.
  • Copyed content – nothing was copied, however plenty of useful information is not on the portal.
  • Address origin – No information is released about the address of the site.

How do I find the buyers’ Crushmetric Reviews?

In our research we have found that there is no mention of their experiences with the pen switch on the official site. In addition there are some users online have disapproved of the pen since it isn’t refillable.

So, one should take the time to review the reviews before making any decision.

The End Verdict

The research revealed that the website’s offerings have received mixed reviews from customers. We advise that buyers check all information on their own end prior to placing an order. We let the final decision to the buyers.