German isn’t on the list of the most popular languages spoken worldwide. It wasn’t as popular as other European languages, such as Spanish, French, or Portuguese. It is, however, the primary language of over 130 million people worldwide. If you are learn German online, it could be fascinating to learn about the countries where it is spoken. Perhaps you’re contemplating a trip that will try your hand at it in real life. The cities of Berlin or Munich are likely the best option when you want to visit the German-speaking regions. However, many other options are fascinating that you might not have considered.

Are you aware of the stunning and rugged Italian Province of South Tyrol or the small and cozy Liechtenstein, one of the tiniest countries? Both are German-speaking regions that you can explore. We’ll give you a few little-known gems in German-speaking areas. US states with the highest percentage of households that speak German, and fascinating historical information that can assist you in understanding the reason German wasn’t more widely spread.

Official Language In Germany

The official language of Germany is, naturally, German, which is spoken by 95% of the population. There are also recognized minority languages that are also spoken: Soraba. This West Slavic language can be spoken by 0.09 percent of Germans in the country’s eastern region. North Frisian is spoken by the smallest groups within North Friesland (0.01%), which lies in the far North of Germany. There is another Danish-speaking minority of 0.06 percent. This is understandable since languages are often mixed at the border between two countries. Finally, the Sinti and Roma minorities are Romani across the country, which is 0.1 percent of Germany’s inhabitants.

Which German-Speaking Countries Exist In This World

The most widely spoken German countries comprise Germany and Austria, which have German as their official language. Austria has famous cities such as Vienna and Salzburg. It is a renowned ski area since the Alps encompass more than half the country. Switzerland is one of the German-speaking countries worth visiting because of the world-class chocolate it produces and whose official language is German, French, and Italian. Belgium is famous for its city of Brussels. It is the capital and the political center in Brussels, the capital and political center of the European Union. You can find a mix of German, French, and Dutch-speaking in Brussels.

Many people aren’t acquainted with smaller countries such as Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. However, they do use German as their official languages. Both countries have stunning castles and landscapes on top of high mountains, which will make your trip unforgettable. More German-speaking regions like South Tyrol are mentioned above, in which 61 percent of the population speak German. But, these are only the six officially recognized German-speaking countries.

German-speaking countries

We’re all aware that German is spoken across Germany, But what countries were you thinking of when you were thinking of german-speaking countries?

  1. Germany
  2. Austria
  3. Swiss
  4. Belgium
  5. Luxembourg
  6. Liechtenstein

What is the location of German being spoken throughout the United States?

For many American houses, English is not the sole language spoken. The second most popular language, after English and French, is Spanish. A Washington Post map reveals that in 708 American counties, Spanish is spoken in 10 percent of households. This is a great reason to start learning Spanish. It could be a surprise that there are 21 counties where at minimum, 10 percent of the households use German. The most prominent spot in Holmes County in Ohio is a staggering 45 percent, or more than half the people, who are fluent in German at home. Because the maximum people are the residents in the area and mostly learn German with an online German teachers. Most of them are in northern states, particularly Montana, along with the Dakotas. There are, however, a few scattered counties located in the Northeast.

A Brief History of Linguistic Imperialism

We aren’t going to dive deep into German historical background in detail. Have you ever thought about why languages such as English or Spanish are so prevalent in the former colonies of the world? In the same way, Germany remained in Central Europe in the past, even though Germany was a huge Empire in past times? The answer lies in the timing! Germany wasn’t yet considered a state when most European countries founded their colonies. Present-day Germany formed part of the Holy Roman Empire, a combination of states and many conflicts. Even powerful imperial powers like England took their ships to new shores and spread the English language across the globe. Germany was busy figuring out its own in the process of identifying itself and had difficulty defining its territorial boundaries.

A nation-state called Germany was not formed until 1871. It then tried to colonize previously unoccupied territories. In particular, areas of what are currently Ghana, Togo, Cameroon, Namibia within West Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania within East Africa. In addition, those of the Pacific Islands, including Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Then, German colonization ended abruptly in 1914, after Germany suffered defeat in World War I and the triumphant powers confiscated the remaining German colonies. For this reason, the German-speaking country is found in South America or Africa today. In general, we discover Spanish and French-speaking countries.