Computer identity theft occurs when someone gains access to your personal information such as your social security number, credit card number, driver’s license number, and passport. Usually this information comes from your stolen laptop.
How often are laptops stolen?
In the United States alone, it is estimated that more than half a million laptops are stolen each year and that number is increasing. That’s an incredible amount of laptops on the streets and in the hands of people who want to steal your personal information. Laptop theft is a very common occurrence, so police take the time to provide assistance in recovering laptops, allowing criminals to gain access to your personal information. Laptop security software is a practical, common sense solution to preventing computer identity theft.
How secure is the information on your laptop?
Your laptop is usually your connection to the cyber world. It connects you to various corporate and social networking sites and allows you to order products online. Sending private information over the Internet is now commonplace. It has become a normal part of the world we live in. What if your laptop is stolen? Not only will you lose your personal and business information stored on your computer, but the thief could also gain access to your personally identifiable information, which could mean that the thief could steal your identity. Thieves use this information to take illegal actions with which you are accused. Avoiding this can save you a lot of money, time, and effort.
10 Reasons To Use The best laptop for information security professionals Software To Protect Computer Identity Theft
1. The number of stolen laptops is constantly increasing and the chances of your laptop being stolen are constantly increasing.
2. Laptop security software helps prevent computer identity theft.
O. It helps you protect your personal information even in the event of computer theft, as you can remotely recover and delete files from your laptop.
When. When files are deleted remotely, they are deleted to a high forensic standard that prevents hackers from retrieving them, thus protecting not only personal information but also commercially sensitive information.
a. You can make the stolen laptop unusable with the remote control if necessary.
6. Allows you to access your stolen computer files without the thief noticing. The laptop’s security software can record all ongoing activities, allowing you to monitor any unauthorized activity.
7. If you buy the best laptop security software, it makes it easy for you to find a stolen laptop for recovery within 60 feet of its location.
If you have valuable business information on your laptop, laptop protection software is an affordable way to insure yourself.
9. If you are a professional or a businessman, your laptop may not only contain business information in its files, but it may also contain confidential personal information of your users which may be viewed and misused.
10. Failure to Take Appropriate Risk Management Measures to Protect Users’ Personal Information from Identity Theft Computer identity theft is on the rise.
Computer identity theft occurs when someone gains access to your personal information such as your social security number, credit card number, driver’s license number, and passport. Usually this information comes from your stolen laptop.
How often are laptops stolen?
In the United States alone, it is estimated that more than half a million laptops are stolen each year and that number is increasing. That’s an incredible amount of laptops on the streets and in the hands of people who want to steal your personal information. Laptop theft is a very common occurrence, so police take the time to provide assistance in recovering laptops, allowing criminals to access your information.